Taking responsibility (part two of responsibilitys) ~Mithross~

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Max's P.O.V

Today was the day of the date and I was nervous as hell. I was going Ross on a nice picnic, very clichè but it's simple and beautiful much like Ross. We were at work right now, whilst editing I was holding little Jay in my arms as I edited Adams grand theft auto 5 video. Jay was leaning on a pillow I had place on the chair to keep his head up as he napped. Jay had grown fond of me recently, which I'm glad about, me being his father and all. I'm so thankful for that night 18 months ago, without it I wouldn't be here with my kid in my arms. Jay coed slightly sifting on the pillow and I look down at my ginger child smiling at how cute he was. I had almost finished editing this video all that was really left was to edit out the wait whilst the last round loaded and then the outro I had began to get annoyed at after having to edit it in a lot in the last 2 weeks. As the video was finished editing I sighed in relief but felt myself get nervous for the date that would be in a few hours. I emailed the video to Adam to watch through and tell me of anything needs changing before standing up carefully being carful not to disturb the sleeping baby as I walked. I picked up the handwritten note I had for Ross , it read.

Hey the beautiful father of my child. For our date I wish for you to wear a suit and meet Alesa outside your place at 7:30pm. Thank you Mr. Perfect I can't wait to see how smashing you will look in a suit. And stay off social media because Alesa and jess might take pictures - max

Smiling I walk to Emily's office who looked up at me smirking slightly. She goes to speak before I shush her motioning to the sleeping form in my arms. Standing up she walks towards me before lifting jay out of my arms and into hers. Ross and I had decided to ask Emily to look after Jay and she graciously agreed claiming she loved hanging out with Jay. Ross had told me Emily cared for Jay when he needed a break and was his God mother. Red and Barney being the god father's. He had 2 God father's as Red and Barney were together. Free of the baby that was once in my arms I waved a goodbye to Emily before walking out and posting the note under Ross' door and getting ready to leave the office. Once I had all my stuff with me I walked into Adams office, who luckily wasn't recording, to tell him I was going to set up the date. "Hey Adam I'm going to set up do you know where Alesa is?" Alesa had offered to help as well as jess who apparently was already there with the 'fairy lights' I think she called them. "Yeah she is probably with red though, they are doing something for the real life do not laugh next week." I nod my head thanking the man before walking towards the freshly built set. "Ay alesa ready to go?" I startle her making her jump up nearly falling onto Red. "Jesus max!" Alesa shouted as red burst out in laughter. I apologies for startling her but hurry her to prepare the secluded area I had found a while back.

After Alesa had said goodbye to her husband we fished out of the office and into her car driving back to my place. We chose to use her car as the trunk was bigger and could fit the decorations in it. Once we reach my apartment Alesa grabs the already prepared basket and two bottles of wine from the cupboard whilst I changed into my suit. Once changed I took a picture to post on Twitter.

Mithzan: ready for my date tonight!

I'm tempted to tag Ross but decide against it as I might ruin the surprise. I leave my room after picking up a blue blanket from my bed. In the kitchen Alesa is putting some chocolate in the basket humming to a popular song. She looks up to see me and smiles. "Right I'm done we should get going jess awaits us!" Alesa cheers walking towards the front door. "Alesa you forgot the wine." She walks back embarrassment written all over his face. "I knew that." I chuckle at her lookin down at my feet as we walked out into the car. "I should probably drive, judging by the amount your hands are shaking." Alesa said motioning to my hand that were indeed shaking uncontrollably. I nod in agreement as we put the stuff in the trunk before getting in the car and driving to the woods. The woods weren't to far away but I'd personally not walk with the stuff and probably being drunk or at least tipsy later.

We arrive on destination to see jess standing there with boxes of fairy lights and a ladder. When we got out of the vehicle I questioned Jess about the ladder. "Oh! I brought it so we could get into the trees with the fairy lights." She was very smart in thinking about this. I lead them into the area we were setting up and smiled at the beauty of the scene. We set to work singing songs to keep us motivated as we worked. Everything was set up and the lights were powered by a generator I had rented for the night. We sat back and enjoyed the atmosphere we had created when Alesa's phone vibrated. "It's Adam he needs to be picked up he got his guitar, jess would you mind?" Alesa asked. "I would not anything to hear Adam sing." She cheered standing up and leaving the beauty of the forest and to her car. "I should go pick up Ross, it's 7:15, Adam should be here in five and Ross in 20" I smile up at her thankfully before wishing her a safe drive to Ross'. Once she was gone I began to panic. "What of I fuck up? What if he doesn't like me? What if he doesn't let me Jay?" I shouted to myself getting more panicked with every syllable.

It was 5 minutes later and Jess and Adam arrive guitar in hand. "Hey max! You OK?" Adam questioned sitting next to me on the bracket I had laid out. "I'm so nervous, what if he doesn't like me?!" I shout shaking Adams shoulders. Adam tried to sooth me as many negative situations played through my head and then I got the text...

Alesa-senpai: were here! Positions!

I began to panic before picking up the roses I had bought. Jess ran to a tree and climbed up it, she had said she wanted to stay to take pictures but didn't want to disrupt the date so she suggested she stayed in the tree. Adam sat on the wooden chair we had brought with us not to far away. I suddenly felt relieved that we had lit the path to the open area with lanterns. Adam began to play 'riptide' by Vance joy signalling that Ross was here. I turn around flowers in hand shaking slightly. As expected Ross looked absolutely flawless. "Woah." I whisper as Ross walked closer a blush on his cheeks as he looked around the scene that had been created. "Max this is amazing." He smiled at me in awe. "Its all of you. Wine?" I question gesturing to the picnic to our left. He nods his head sitting on the blanket and I sit next to him before popping the cap off. "Taken away to the dark side." I smile happily as Ross leans his head on my shoulder. "I never knew Adam was such an amazing singer." I hum in agreement opening the picnic basket pulling out some of the contents for us to eat. We eat the food happily as Adam eats and Jess squeals from the tree making Ross confused. "This is so perfect Max. Thank you." Ross gushes at me signing contently. "No need to thank me, you deserve the best." Ross turns his head to me and leans forward connecting his lips with mine. Once we pulled away he speaks once more. "This might be the alcohol talking but I think I love you. " well I KNOW I love you." I say to Ross blushing his comment before kissing him on the lips once more.

Should I turn this into a book? Thoughts in the comments.

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