You belong with me ~Mithross~

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Ross' P.O.V

I lay on my bed looking through my window to see the familiar head of ginger hair with his hands rubbing against his face. He was on the phone, his girlfriend is probably complaining about something he said. Something that wouldn't have been offensive, I know Max and he wouldn't dare do that. He looked up and his eyes meet mine and he smiles sadly waving at me before talking irritatedly into his phone. It was a Tuesday night and I was just sitting in my room listening to some Fall out boy. Music that would make Max's girlfriends ears ring. I understand why you like her, she's the opposite of me, someone you'll never like. She's what everyone wants I mean she wears short skirts I wear t-shirts she's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers. She's a girl and I'm a guy, he isn't gay but I can only dream that he will wake up and find that I understand him, I get his jokes. I've loved him for years and for now it's just a dream.

The next day swings by and he made time for me, we were walking down the street together just laughing at some joke's we made at each other. Max looked so beautiful today, he was wearing a pair of warn out blue jeans, white shirt and his letterman jacket. I wish it was me he put it around on a windy night. We made our way to the park sitting on a near by bench to relax for a bit. Our jokes were stupid but made us laugh. This was so easy, I don't understand why it can't be like this everyday. Unfortunately his laugh isn't genuine, it sounds really fake. Once we calmed down he looks at me dead in the eyes and smiles, a real smile. God he was flawless. His smile could light up the whole town I haven't seen it in a while since they started dating. I loved his smile, it made me fall 10 times faster for him than it would have. "Max, are you OK?" I ask him genuine concern in my voice. "I'm fine don't worry Ross." He puts his arm on my shoulder patting it lightly. He isn't fine, i know him better than that. What the hell is he doing with a girl that hurts him. "Anyway I got to go see Megan." He stands walking away a from on his face as he passes me.

They say never to wait to long to say you love someone, and that's true. I should have told him before that bitch came. I shouldn't call her a bitch she is OK, Max just shouldn't be with her. Megan would make someone very happy, just not max. It should be me making Max happy. Standing from the bench I began to walk home. Fortunately the park was only 10 minuets away so I wasn't to worn put by the time I got home. Once through my house door I slipped off my shoes and dragged myself upstairs and into my room flopping face first onto my soft bed. I groaned sadly rolling over and propping myself up against the head board. I pull the remote off the bedside table switching it on and waiting for the screen to load. My Xbox controller is also on he bedside table so I press the middle button turning on the Xbox as well as the controller. Once it was all loaded I click on YouTube and play my playlist of music. Some of which would be considered good to Max and others not, like as song called cliffs edge by Hayley kiyoto. I love the song but it's a lot different to the things I typically listen to.

A few fall out boy songs played and also a few panic at the disco dogs play when cliffs edge comes on. I shamelessly sing along and then I a knock on the window making me jump in fright. I look to the window to see Max sitting on the ledge of my window. I stand up and pull the window open for max to climb through. "Max what the hell are you doing here?" I say closing he window once he stumbled into my room. "I need to talk to you." He says seriously perching on the end of my bed. "Okay?" I spoke nervously heart rate increasing. I sit myself next to max watching him intensely. "I broke up with Megan." My eyes widen. "Wait what? Why? I thought you liked her." He spoke his head and I watched as a small pink tinted his cheeks. "I-i actually like someone else... a guy." He says nervously and I chucked quietly. "I understand if you don't want to be friends with me but before you kick me out I just nee-" "kick you out? Max I'm gayer than gay." I tell him laughing. "Even if I wasn't I couldn't turn you away." He smiled happily. "Uhm yeah you might change your mind after I say this." My eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Say what?" "Well i, Max Mithzan, am in love with you." A blush covers my cheeks and an overwhelming joy flows through me. "I love you too." "I know I'll just le- wait really?" His face shows pure shock but his eyes are filled with joy. "All this time how could you not know?" He chuckles leaning forward kissing me lightly on the lips. Happily I kiss him back placing my hand on his knee as I kiss him. Then he notices the song. He pulls back and snorts quietly. "What's this?" "A song called cliffs edge, it's different to what I usually listen to but I'm addicted." (I AM ACTUALLY ADDICTED TO THIS SONG OK? IT GOOD) I say shyly. "It's kind of good. The chorus is a bit saucy don't you think." I laugh as max wiggles his eyebrows. He pushes my chest making me fall back onto the bed giggling. He climbs on me hovering above before leaning down capturing my lips with his. These are kisses I've craved and finally he has realised he belongs with me.

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