The Business ~Mithross, Redney, Timily~

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Ross' P.O.V

"Well that was a shit family gathering" I whispered to myself as I walked out of the building. Shit had just gone down. At the beginning of the gathering everything had been running smoothly until the conversation of my love life came up. They were all talking about how I should get a nice girlfriend and it began to get irritating as they were trying to set me up with some girl I hadn't even met. So I just shouted out the truth. 'I'm gay!' I shouted at my relatives. Only 3 of them were excepting and that's my mom, dad and cousin Shelby. Shelby herself was a closeted bisexual and had a lovely girlfriend called Jess. The rest of my family started shouting profanities at me such as 'fag' 'faggot' 'freak' the typical things homophobic twats say. I stood up from the table then and grabbed my bag before my uncle tried to throw a plate at me, which I swiftly dodged and ran out the home, which brings me to now. I continue to walk down the street in silence when I noticed the steps not to far from me. I look over my right shoulder to see a ginger man with a black hood over his head. "Sir I need you to stop." His smooth voice demanded. As soon as the words fell from his mouth I began to run as fast as I could. Shit I really need to join a gym... if I get out of this alive I mean. I heard the mans pace quicken and knew he was chasing after me, this was confirmed when I felt two strong arms around me and pulled me to the ground. A shout of pain fell from my lips as I hit the hard concrete with my front. The man flipped me over so I was facing up and held my wrists. This guy must have forgotten I can use my legs as it surprised him when I brought my leg up and hit the man square in the balls. The man let out a scream of pain letting go of my wrists. As soon as he let go I swung my fist up, hitting the man in the jaw. Whilst he held his wounded areas I slid out from under him and tried to run back to my place. I made it pretty far, I could see my house but then everything went black as i felt a cloth cover my mouth.

All I could see was darkness, everything was black. Everything seemed a bit eerie until I heard the laughter two men. I groaned quietly slouching down as much as I could in the chair I was bound to. I heard the click of a door and the talking get closer and louder. "So, Ross." A voice said, speaking directly to me. "I heard you put up quite a fight up against Max here." The man chuckled. "That bitch hit me hard!" A voice exclaimed, I assume he was Max. Suddenly the bag on my head was pulled off and I could finally see my surroundings, well kind of, my hair was in my eyes. I leaned my head down and flipped it up, getting my curls out of my face. I finally got a chance to look at the two men. There was a tall black haired male with a smirk playing on his slim, point face. Then there was the man from before he had ginger hair, ginger beard, Max looked to be slightly taller than me, he had a small frown on his beautifully shaped face, but his brown eyes still had a glimmer of happiness. Overall Max was pretty hot. "Thanks for kicking me in the balls. Dick." I chuckle at how he was acting like a young stroppy teen. "Thanks for chloroforming me. Dick." I mimicked, pure spite in my voice.

"You got us a feisty on here." The other man commented, nudging Max in the ribs. "I've been studying this one for months." Max smiled, clearly proud of himself. "I'm not an object!" I shout annoyed. "We know." Max said smiling. "OK so down to business. There is a reason we recruited you." The slim faced man spoke. "Recruited?! Try kidnapped." I spat, they ignored my comment and continued to speak. "I run a business here called 'Business'" what a stupid name. "And we are a group of assassins, Max here has been looking for a partner and when he saw you he got really excited and bing bada boom here you are." What the fuck? "You have a choice, join us or we will kill you, your parents and Shelby was it?" I growled as he said Shelby fighting against my bounds. "Yeah it was Shelby then." The man chuckled, knowing he had me where he wanted me. "So your choice?" The man asked, Max stood there playing with a knife in his fingers. "Fine! Just get me out of this chair." Max gladly complies and cuts me free before puling me up. I quickly stretched my arms and legs hearing my arms crack as I outstretched them. "Great let's get you to training and back to your new home." My new boss spoke. "Oh! And call me Mr. Ericson." The man spoke before leaving the room. "Right let's get to training!" Max spoke enthusiastically, leading me out of the room and towards what I assume was the gym.

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