Max's first video ~Mithross~

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Ross' P.O.V

I was sitting on the set of real life do not laugh eating a sandwich when my phone started dinging constantly. I try to ignore what was happening and continue to eat my sandwich until I heard some squealing from the other side of the office. That was probably something to do with all the notifications. Groaning in annoyance before pulling my phone from my front pocket. I unlock my phone and go onto Twitter knowing that's where all of the notifications were coming from. My notifications were going to quickly to read so I clicked the first one I saw. "HAVE YOU SEEN MAX'S VIDEO?!!!!!!!!!!" It read. Wait max posted a video? Why wasn't I told this? And why am I getting spammed with tweets? I decided to tweet at makes to try and find out what was happening.

Ayo @mithzan what the hell is your video about and why are people spamming me for it?

I expected to be waiting a while for a reply but max sends me one almost immediately but not before Jess replies to my tweet first. As jess' tweet came through first I clicked it and read it.

Omg what!!! You haven't seen it?! My poor baby watch it!

No new information came from her tweet and I sigh in annoyance before clicking Max's tweet.

Just watch it and don't hate me afterwards.

I finish my sandwich and get up from the sofa walking into my office switching on my monitor watching it load up. Once loaded I quickly typed in my password and waited for the home screen to load up. Everything was p and running so I click on chrome and type in YouTube which quickly loaded for me to type in Max's YouTube channel. He had a video up, it had 110k views, a lot of views for something that had only been out for 3 hours. It was probably from all of the social media spam. I click on he video titled my confession what an odd title for a first video. The video buffers for a second on Max's face. He looked so nervous.

Hey guys max here Max waves to the camera his hand shaking slightly. and today for my first video I thought I'd confess something. I... Max stops taking a deep breath before continuing. Am completely and utterly in love with Ross AKA house_owner and I have been for years. My mind went blank as I stared at his face. It all started 2 years ago when I first met Ross in real life. At first I thought it was because i was nervous about meeting with him but it was only when I looked at his face or heard his voice. Whenever he said my name I felt butterflies, no fuck that I felt a stampede within my stomach it was insane that someone could make me feel that way. A smile and a blush covered my face as tears began to leave my eyes. I never thought I'd fall in love with anyone like I have, especially a guy OR my best friend for that matter. So I guess I should say something to Ross. So...Ross... If you are watching this I'm sorry I couldn't tell you in person. But it's so difficult for me and I've made 13 or more takes of this video and no matter what happens now I just want you to know you mean the world to me. All of this meant absolutely meant everything to me. So uhm... This is the end of the video. Goodbye.

As the video finished and his outro played I pulled off my headphones and stand from my chair slowly walking out of my room. My legs felt weak as I tried to take steps to where I knew max would be. I stumbled after taking at least 4 steps but hold onto the wall carful not to fall. I had never felt so weak in my life but hearing Max's words had seriously affected me. My best friend of 9 years was in love with me. I reach the editing area and see max at his desk tapping his fingers nervously. Corey notices me and waves but then notices my unstable stature. "M-max?" I speak before Corey can say anything. I watch as Max tenses but turns around in his chair. When he sees me he knows I've seen the video. "Sooo... What do you think?" Max looked anywhere but me pink dusting his cheeks. "That was the most perfect I have ever seen." He looks up and I can read him like a book. Many emotions flash over his face: confusion, shock, happiness and love. The last makes my heart flutter as he stands from his chair walking towards me. "Do you mean it?" He questions me clearly not convinced. "Definitely." He leans in and kisses me catching me off guard. It takes me a couple of seconds to realise what is happening but when I do process it I kiss him back pulling him closer to me. When we pull apart I decide on something. I was going to do a video response to Max's video. "I'll see you in a bit I got something to do." He nods and kisses me again before allowing me to go. I set up my camera and press record before starting the video.

Hey guys Ross here and today I'm doing a response to Mithzan AKA Max's video. As many of you may know he posted a video called 'my confession' where he confessed his love to me. I had not seen the video until today at 4:30 roughly and what I saw really shocked me as my best friend confessed his love for me. This was something I never expected but something I am glad happened as when the video finished I went to confront him. The moment was perfect as I told him that I thought it was beautiful and we kissed. That was the best moment of my life. I just wanted to make this video to tell you that mithross is real. There is going to be another video today later on but for now bye!

Mithross, Redney And Timily One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now