Glitter ~Mithross~

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This is a one shot based off the awesome book sparkles by MusicChicky5SOS I love her book and she was gracious enough to let me write this thank you and I love your book. P.s this is taking me years so I'm just going to do it every 5k instead and they will be 5k words long. AND I DO REDNEY NOW.

Ross' P.O.V

The comfort that I find in these small specks of reflective beauty is unbelievable. Ever since I was little I used small jars of glitter to express my emotions, each colour represented a different emotion. Red represents anger, light blue is happiness, dark blue is fear, black is fear, pink is love, white is stress and silver is confusion. These are the colours you would need to know for this, the colours that make up how he makes me feel. Before I get too into this it would probably be best to tell you about when the silver came into play...

*BEEP BEEP BEE-* My alarm rung before I pulled my phone off my night stand turning off the irritating sounds radiating from the device. A groan escapes my lips as I roll over on my bed practically hanging off of the bed. I sat up slowly before swinging my legs over the edge and standing from the comfort of my bed. Tiredly I brush my hands against my face feeling the prick of glitter against my soft skin from the night before. I pull my hands away from my face and inspected my hands, dark blue as suspected, my monophobia had come full swing at me during the night causing me to get the jar of mesmerising sparkles and tipping them in my bed to relax me. I look down at my bed to see the glitter strewn across it and on the floor. I smile before brushing the glitter that was on my hands against my pyjama pants. I walk out into the hallway and into the kitchen to see Tim flicking through the cupboards probably looking for some food. "Morning man." I say croakily from only having just spoken for the first time that day. "Morning Ross" Tim said spinning around on his heels to face me. He looks at my appearance and sighed. "You're trailing glitter around with you." Tim was the only one who knew about my glitter and since we were now getting a new roommate I guess he would too. "Oh sorry, I'll hover it up." I smile sleepily at him before getting some cereal from the cupboard.

Once changed and showered as promised I got out the hover and began to hover up all of the excess glitter that had fallen off of me. Once I finished hovering the hallway and kitchen I moved onto my room where I stripped the bed shaking off the glitter from the covers before chucking them in the wash. I hover up the glitter and remake my bed with fresh sheets. Once I'm done I walk back into the front room to see Tim tidying up the front room. "Tim you know if he lives with us he'll see how messy we are." I point out plopping myself in the arm chair. "Yeah but we should at least make the place look presentable." I hum in response before picking up my phone and begin flicking through my social media liking the occasional thing. Then a sound rings making me jump in surprise. Tim laughs at my shocked face before going to answer the door. "Hey there! I'm Tim, you must be Max." I heard Tim greet cheerily. "Hey Tim and yeah I am Max, is Ross here as well?" A deep voice asked sending shivers down my spine. "Yeah I'm in here!" I call voice still a bit hoarse from not having a hot drink. Tim walks in with a tall ginger man trailing behind him, who I assume to be Max. I stand from my seat and offer my hand for Max to shake. "Hey as you probably already know I'm Ross." I smile politely, max takes a firm grip on my hand sending sparks of electricity flying through my arm. I flinch at the sensation confusion running through me, silver. "I'm Max." He lets go of my hand quickly returning the warm smile. "Would you guys like a hot drink?" Tim asked beginning to loose the formality in his voice. "oh yes please, coffee one sugar and black." Max replied graciously. "Tea please TimTam." The shortest man glares at me before walking into the kitchen.

"So Max you can sit down if you would like" I offer gesturing to the sofa that was in front of us. Max nodded his head before plopping down onto the sofa and I sat back down into my seat. That's when I really began to take a look at him. He was beautiful to put it simply. Slightly grown out bigger hair that flicks up into a quiff, soft gentle features that are irresistible to the eye, stubbled chin with chiseled jaw. This man is the closest thing to perfect you could ever get. He sits on the couch twiddling his thumbs as we wait for the kettle to boil. "So Max, tell me a bit about yourself." He looked up from his hands and diverted his attention to me. "Uhm.. well I'm 20 years old, I like video games and I'm a huge nerd." He didn't really go into much depth but that's understandable, we had never met before. "Well I'm 18 I also like games and I am a sucker for a good anime." He chuckled when I mentioned anime. "OK! So here are your drinks." Tim cheered as he walked in with two mugs. He placed them on the coffee table before walking back into the kitchen to grab his own. When Tim retuned he sat next to Max on the sofa where as I stayed in the arm chair, legs tucked up with my feet by my butt, knees resting on the arm of the sofa. "OK Max, before you officially move in we need to tell you something." Tim said with a stern expression. I saw Max's face twist into confusion and worry. He turned towards me eyebrows furrowed. "Ross would you like to tell him?" Tim asked kindly. "Uhm.. OK.. yeah." I stutter avoiding eye contact. I look up to meet the ginger haired boys gaze. "Well from a very young age I've been surrounded by... glitter. And I tend to go to them when I'm feeling certain emotions as I find a weird sort of comfort in them." I explained eyes still locked with Max's. "OK, I think I understand. So each colour has a different emotion?" Max questioned. I nod my head slowly. "You can come see them if you want." I suggested shrugging my shoulders, Max's head nodded yes gently and I stood from my seat. "Come with me." I say gesturing with my hand for Max to follow me.

Mithross, Redney And Timily One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now