The Business pt2 ~All Ships~

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I don't ship Mithross anymore but for the sake of this story not going to shit I'm going to have to write it :3


Em smiled at me cupping my cheek with her right hand. "You're so adorable." She whispered before leaning forward and pressing her lips to mine gently. I kissed her back, placing my right hand on her waist. "Oi love birds! We have a case to crack, and the pizzas here." Barney shouted opening the door, interrupting your kiss. "And Tim put some clothes on, i can see some shit I don't want to see." As soon as he said that I quickly closed my legs embarrassed. Em rolled her eyes standing up from my bed kissing me lightly on the lips before walking out leaving me to get changed. I signed contently, flopping back onto my bed. God Em made me feel like I was 14 again.


Max's P.O.V

"Pizza pizza pizza!" Red sang in a low voice as he walked back into the living room, pizza boxes in hand. He gives Ross and I a box to share and places one on the table for Tim and Em before sitting on the couch and opening his and Barney's box. Ross opens the lid on our box and pulls out a slice, taking a bite out of it. I mimic the actions he did and smiled happily, enjoying the greasy food. Moments later Barney comes down with a cocky smile on his face but he also looked kind of disgusted. "What's with the face?" Ross asked as he pulled at his hoodie strings. "Well I saw Tim and Em kissing." Barney spoke wiggling his eyebrows. We all ooohed as Em walked in the room with a pink tinge on her face. "I also saw Tim's 'no no square' as Red called it for his first 3 months of being here." Barney snorted. "And with that mental image I don't want any more pizza." I throw my slice down into the box as my expression twisted from a happy one to disgusted. "More for me!" Ross exclaimed with a wide smile on his face. Em rolled her eyes before plopping onto the love seat with a box of pizza. "Max eat the fucking pizza." Em ordered almost spitting the words out. I glare at the intimidating woman but began to eat the pizza anyway.

Soon footsteps were heard and Tim walked in through the doorway. "Heeyy Tim." Red spoke trying to stifle a giggle. "Oh shut up! All of you would have loved to be in Barney's position you gay shits!" Tim snapped plopping down next to Em and picking up some pizza. Em leaned her head on Tim's shoulder sighing quietly. We all awwed at them before everyone began to have their own conversations. I'm not gay! At least I don't think I'm gay. I mean Ross is really fucking hot but I'm not gay. I mean I totally would fuck him but that's besides the point. Just look at him! Fuck, he's so damn attractive. "Max can you stop eye fucking Ross please, it's getting a bit uncomfortable for us." Barney spoke with a laugh. I immediately felt a blush rise to my cheeks as I tried to get some coherent words out but was extremely unsuccessful. I look over to Ross who himself has a blush. "Can you two just fuck already and get this over and done with?" Tim asks before putting some pizza in his mouth. "W-what!? W-we don't like each other in that way!" I exclaim looking away from them. I quickly glance over to Ross to see he had a disappointed look on his face. My face twisted into a confused look. Did he like me too? I doubt it.

"We should have taken a hostage." Tim commented looking off into the distance. All of us nodded in agreement except Em. "Who said we didn't already have one?" She spoke deviously. "Follow me!" She exclaimed an evil look now on her face. We all stood from our seats and followed Em through the house and towards the basement. "How the fuck did you get someone in this house without us noticing?" Red spoke confused as we walked down the basement stairs and into the cold damp room below. The loft upstairs was originally the room for hostages but the previous agents that were in this house with me realised that it'd be quieter if they were in the basement, so we converted the loft to a gaming space. I hadn't told the guys about it yet, I might tell Ross. Why does my mind always drift to Ross! For fuck sake! I'm not gay! I'd just fuck Ross. So I'm Rosssexual... yeah that's what I am. I shake my head trying to get the thoughts to leave my head as Em turns on the single basement light to reveal a man in his late twenties with a gag in his mouth as he is bound to a chair. In a similar way as Ross was when he was first 'initiated'. "I picked this dude up when you guys were dilly-dallying after the killing spree. He was just wondering around, clearly tripping balls. He looked like a fucking idiot, so easy to capture him." She snorted, slouching on her side looking at the guy.

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