Omegle Cinderella Story Part 2 ~Redney~

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There was only 3 more days until the dance and I was so nervous. Barney still didn't know if I was definitely going to come but I promised myself and Adam that I would go. That's how I was roped in to going suit shopping with Adam and his friends Max and Ross. "Yo you guys got an idea of what you want?" Ross asked holding a grey suit. "I'm going to get a white suit." Max said with a smile on his face. "I'm going all black. I know that." Adam commented flicking through the suits. "I'm going to get a black suit with a white shirt and red tie..." I mumble shyly picking up a red tie as well as white shirt before going to the black suits. I quickly found one that looked liked it would fit before we all walked to the changing rooms to try them on. Quickly I changed into the suit and it was a perfect fit. The red tie looked surprisingly nice. I pull back the curtain to see Ross standing there fiddling with the cuff links of his suit. "Hey Ross." I spoke quietly making his head lift up. "O-oh! Hi, sorry you startled me." Ross spoke with a smile. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." I apologise. "It's alright don't worry." Max then stepped out from the changing room in his white suit. "I think I look great if I do say myself." Max smiled cockily. "Yeah you look alright." Ross replied nodding. "'alright' I think you'll find I look fabulous." "Yeah yeah shut up Max." Adams voice sounded from behind me. I took a step to the left to let Adam stand with us. "Okay so everyone honest opinions." Adam requested gesturing to himself. "It really suits you." (ACCIDENTAL PUN) I comment smiling. "You look great." Max said patting Adams shoulder. "You'll get all the ladies." Ross wiggled his eyebrows as he said this. Everyone rolled their eyes at Ross before Max looked at me. "So why are you going? I thought you didn't like these types of things." "O-oh well i-" "he's going for Barneyyyyy." Adam teased nudging me with his elbow repeatedly. "What do you mean?" Ross asked confused. "Barney and him have been talking for ages but Barney doesn't know that it's red so he's going to meet him after 3 months of constant flirting." Adam elaborated. "2 and a half months." I corrected. "Stop being a pedantic little shit." Adam said pushing me lightly. "Well that was unexpected." Max commented shocked. "Definitely. Let's take these suits off so we can buy them." Ross said wondering back into his changing room. I hum in agreement and walk into my changing room getting back into my comfy jeans and loose tee.

From Barney <3: Just brought my suit, if you come to the dance don't forget to look for the hot man wearing this beauty. -picture attached-

Okay he looked pretty damn good in a suit, I can't lie about it.

To Barney <3: That's a nice suit. Kind of makes me want to come to the dance more than I did before.

I sent it as a joke but I kind of did mean it. If he would be wearing that suit I'm 100% going.

From Barney <3: you're getting my hopes up now, you better be there. :D

I smile at the message before walking out of the changing room to see the boys waiting impatiently. "Sorry I was talking to Barney." I apologised looking at the floor. "It's cool man, let's just buy these suits and get some food." Everyone agrees with Max's suggestion so we walk up to the counter with our suits and pay individually. "Thank you." I mutter quietly to the man at the till. The man smiles and bids us farewell. As soon as we left the store I felt as if a weight had been lifted up off of my shoulders. My head was clearer now and I didn't have much to worry about anymore. Other than Barney's reaction to seeing me.

+Three days later+

"Adam you didn't have to come over, that's what girls do in preparation for a dance. Guys typically get ready at their own home." I say as I open my door to see Adam holding a suit in one hand and a bag in the other. "Oh well, let me in." Adam said smiling cheekily. I roll my eyes but let him in and begin walking up into my room. I hear Adam close the front door and follow me upstairs into my room. I had already had on my dress pants and the shirt but it had yet to been buttoned up completely. My fingers fiddled with the buttons before I pull the tie over my head and being to tie it. Adam sat down on my bed as I sorted out the collar of my shirt. "Adam what's in the bag?" I ask as I pull the blazer off its coat hanger and over my shoulders. "oh yeah! I got us some boutonnieres. For you a red one and for me a blue one, to go with my dates dress." He handed me a box which held the elegant looking boutonniere. "Thank you so much Adam." He smiles sweetly at me as I put the boutonniere on myself. "Right Adam go get ready, the dance has already started." He nods and rushes out of the room and into the bathroom where he began to get changed. I pulled out my black dress shoes and slipped them onto my feet and lacing them up tightly. I stand with a nervous sigh and walk towards the living room to where my mom and sister sat. "Hey." I say gaining their attention. "Oh my god! My baby boy is all grown up!" She exclaimed happily rising onto her feet and pulling me into a tight hug. "Wow Michael, you scrub up well." My sister commented as our mom continued to hug me. "Mom can't breathe." I exaggerate causing her to let me free from her death grip. "Sorry Hun you just look so nice." "Thank you momma." Adam then came bouncing down the stairs and into the living room. "Hey Mrs Stevens." Adam greeted with a smile. "Red we should be off." "Bye mom, bye Anna!" I waved at the two before rushing out of the house with Adam by my side.

Adam and I arrived at the school soon after and stood outside the main hall. "How you feeling?" Adam asked me kindly. "I'm so nervous." I reply visibly shaking. "Don't worry, he's fallen in love with you and no homo but you are hot so I think he's going to love you more. "Okay, let's go in." I say nodding my head. Adam opens the door and walks in first, I follow him inside and he points to the other side of the hall where Barney stands alone. He pays me on the back reassuringly and I walk through the crowd towards the man I had fallen for. Then suddenly I was in front of him. Looking at him as he stares down at his drink. "Barney?." As soon as I spoke his head snapped up looking at me in the eyes. "Red?" He asks hopeful. I slowly nod my head preparing myself for the shout of disgust. The shout that never came. Instead he put his drink down and wrapped his arms tightly around me. "Oh my god! You're so much more beautiful than I imagined. The amount of times I've seen you around school and hoped that red was you is unbelievable and it actually is! I'm so happy." He rambled as he nuzzled his face into my neck. I hug Barney back with a huge smile on my face. "If it's even half as happy as I am I know it's a lot." I mutter squeezing him tightly. "Red, I love you." Barney confessed, pulling back and looking me in the eyes. "I love you too." He smiled widely and pressed his lips to mine gently. "I can't believe you think you're ugly though. You are genuinely the most attractive guy I've seen in my life." Barney muttered still holding me tight. "Fancy a dance?" I asked loosening my grip on him. Barney smiles and begins to lead me to the dance floor.

I finished this about 4 hours ago but I didn't want to publish this too early :3

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