Drunk Flirt ~Redney~

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"What's someone hot like you doing coming to a bar alone?" A familiar voice husked into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "Barney I came here with you, how many drinks have you had?" I ask confused, turning to the younger man. "Shhhhhh, you're so sexyyyy!" Barney giggled leaning towards my face. I quickly ducked out of the way a blush on my cheeks. "Okay! That's it we're going home, you're so drunk you're hitting on your best friend." I grab Barney around his waist and lead him out of the bar as he stumbles beside me. "Hey Michael?" Drunk Barney slurred. "Yes John?" I reply, using his real name like he had used mine. "You really are hot." The man giggled out smiling at me. I roll my eyes at the stumbling man and pull him into my car. "Are you able to buckle yourself in?" I ask concerned leaning on the car door peering at Barney who was giggling happily. "Yeahhhh." He replied tugging on the seatbelt and placing it in the buckle. I nod my head with a small smile and close his door before walking around and getting into my side of the car.

"Alright this is going to be like a rollercoaster, arms and legs inside the vehicle. Also don't touch me with your drunk grabby hands." I instructed starting up the car. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw him nod his head and place his hands on his lap with an exaggerated slap. A sigh tumbles from my lips as I drove us home. On the way home Barney managed to comply to keeping his arms and legs in the car but he kept trying to grab my arm fortunately for me due to being drunk his movements were slow and obvious so it was easy to swipe his arm away. "Red Red Red Red Re-" "what Barney?" I ask interrupting Barney and his slurred words. "What would it take for you to let me love you?" He asks, the slur beginning to fade from his voice. "You not being drunk and actually remembering loving me." I comment, knowing he would forget this tomorrow. "They say drunk actions are sober thoughts." His voice was somewhat normal for someone who had had too much to drink. "But you could also just be a flirty drunk." I mutter under my breath as i pull into the apartment complexes car park. "Do you think you can get out the car by yourself?" I ask switching off the cars engine and opening my car door. "I should be able to but I'd rather you carry me." Barney flirts at me with a wink, i roll my eyes at his flirtatious comment and climb out of the car. Barney stumbles out of the car and shuts his door doing a small 'dance' as he 'walked' over to me. "Heeeeeyyyyy Red!" Barney winked sliding his finger down my arm. "Let's just go inside." Barney nods and walks in front of me, going into the lift waiting for me. Quickly I follow him inside the lift and press for floor 3. The doors closed and I was stuck with a flirtatious Barney inside a confined space. Surprisingly Barney kept to himself in the lift and stumbled out when the doors opened. I tugged Barney by his wrist towards our door and pushing him in once I had unlocked it.

"Okay off to bed!" I call setting to keys down as I walk through the doors. Ignoring his protests I walk past him and into my own room where I stripped down and got into some pyjamas. My body feels weak as soon as I flop down on my mattress, not bothering to pull the blankets over me I curl up and try to sleep. Suddenly I feel a dip in my bed and then arms around my torso. "Barney what are you doing?" I asked confused looking over my shoulder at the man who was now cuddled into my back. "Cuddling you." He replied sleepily. "But why?" I ask but I couldn't get a reply as he had already drifted off into a deep sleep. As much as I hate to admit it this was actually very comfortable. God who am I kidding I love this. I've fallen for the man, have been in love with him for months now. A smile plays on my lips as my thought begin to fade as I felt myself drift into subconsciousness desire filled sleep.

~Next Morning~

The next morning I woke up extremely comfortable, at first I was confused why but then I opened my eyes to see the position I was in. My body must have shifted whilst I was sleeping as I now lay with my head on his chest, my arm resting on his stomach. Barney now had his arm wrapped securely around my waist. A blush began to paint my cheeks as I snuggled closer to Barney. Barney soon began to stir beneath me so I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep. "What the? Red?" Barney speaks confused. "Red?" Barney asked shaking my shoulder lightly. I pretended to wake up with a small yawn. "Yeah?" I reply, still resting my head on his chest. "Why the fuck are you cuddled into me?" Although he seemed really shocked his arms remained around me. "Last night you got really drunk and you were hitting on my calling me 'hot' a couple of times and you even called me sexy at one point. When we got home I went to bed and you followed me in, cuddling into my back. We must have shifted in our sleep." I watch as Barney's face began to heat up "o-oh." He stuttered, not being able to make more of a response due to embarrassment. "Hey red?" He asked after the embarrassment had faded. "Yeah?" "Drunk actions are sober thoughts." He replied a smile on his face. "You said that last night." I giggled trying to move from his grasp. "I love you." Barney admitted out of nowhere, not letting me free. "I love you too." I smile up at him as a smile of pure joy appeared on his face. "Oh my god! I was just winging that! If you said you didn't love me I was just going to claim I was still drunk." Barney rambled on not making much sense from that point onwards. "Come on Barney, lets get you some advil." I pat his chest before freeing myself from his grip. "Now that you mention it my head hurts like a bitch." Barney chuckled. "I'll bring it to you then." I smiled. "Thank you, you're so amazing." He gratefully replied a smile still plastered on his face.

This is so bad please forgive me for the mistake that is my writing in this one shot.

Mithross, Redney And Timily One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now