Leaving Part 1 ~Mithross~

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Ross' P.O.V

Today was my last day at sky offices and I have yet to tell max. Because not only am I leaving the offices I'm also moving to the other side of Washington. I didn't want to go too far so I can come see Max if anything happens to him. Max means everything to me and I'd hate for anything to happen. Max quite literally lights up my world, as clichè as that sound he really has, without him I was never really happy and then living with him I was so god damn happy. That's actually one of the reasons I'm leaving, I don't want to rely on others for my happiness so I'm going off on my own. Without Max, without anyone. Just me, myself and I. I look around my now empty room and sigh, I had moved everything over the last few nights whilst max was asleep so all that was left was a suitcase with clothes and a makeshift bed, oh and of course KP. Because of this max hasn't been in my room and I have made sure he was never home alone so he couldn't look.

"ROSS COME ON WE GOT WORK!" Max called from his room across the hall. I tug at the end of my shirt before walking out and into the kitchen where Tim was eating a bowl of cereal. "Hey Tim." I cheered at him smiling at him, that was so fake, I don't want to leave but I HAVE to leave. "Hey Ross, god is going to be so weird without you here tomorrow." Tim sighs poking at the bowl of cookie crisp. "I know, imagine being in my shoes and waking up and not being able to watch anime with you guys anymore." Tim smiles sadly "I'm going to miss you Ross." "I'll miss you too Tim Tam." Turing away from the man I picked up the loaf of bread taking out a piece and slipping it into the toaster. "Morning!" Max cheered with a small skip in his step, god I'm going to feel so awful doing this. "Hey Max." Both Tim and I spoke neither of us with much happiness in our voices. He smiles before sitting at the table, I assume he had already had breakfast. Once we had all eaten and done all the other necessities we were ready to leave. "I have some errands to run I'll met you guys there." Tim smiles knowingly nodding his head and max just shrugs. "Sure, whatever, see you there." They leave and I walk into my room where KP was sleeping on the few thin blankets I used as a bed. Picking up the cat carrier I bring it over to her nudging her awake before luring her into the confined space with some of her favourite treats. As I close the door she meow's sadly making me feel like a bad guy. "Don't worry baby we'll be at our new home soon" she meow's again.

I fold up the blankets I was using and put them in Max's room, they were his blankets but he had not noticed that had been gone. Grabbing my suitcase and KP I walk out the door posting my keys through the letter box. I put KP in the passenger seat before pushing my heavy suitcase into the trunk of my car. (Almost said cat...would of been a different story then) I drove to my new home not bothering to turn on the radio and instead listened to the meow's of the small furry creature to my right. Once we arrived I simply slid in my suitcase and let KP out to roam the house before getting back into my car and driving to the sky offices. Upon arrival I was attacked by hugs from red earning a confused look and what looked like a glare from max. "Hey red." I smiled at my second favourite ginger. "Don't 'hey red' me you aren't leaving and that's that." He used air quotations around hey red as he spoke. "Sorry dude but I have to go." Red looks confused. "No one's forcing you." "I can't stay here with max, I rely on him too much... I can't help it though, I'm in love with him." Red squealed in happiness but then began to panic. "BUT IF YOU LEAVE YOU GUYS CANT BE TOGETHER!" "Shh! Be quiet max might hear you. And that's the point he's the only one that could and if told will stop me. It's the reason I'm telling him right before I leave." My voice became quieter with every word. "I've already moved out." Red nods sadly before pulling me into another hug. "I'll miss you Ross." "I'll miss you too Michael."

Once he left I walked into my office and put on the recording light, although I was not recording I wanted to have some privacy as I emptied my office. I had picked up the giant 'rossome' box I had been given a while ago to fill with my things. The box was awesome the person who had made it must have spent a long time on it, which is why I'm using it now, I don't want all that time to go to waste. My computer was not going to go in the box, I was going to have to carry that to my car. I'll do that now. Carefully I carried the huge box out off the office being carful to not be spotted by max. "Stairs why did there have to be stairs!" I groan out loud. The trip was difficult but luckily I got it down with both me and the computer in one piece. I quickly put it in my trunk before rushing upstairs and into my office before max noticed something was happening in there. The packing part was easy, what wasn't was finding something to do for the 6 hours I had left of work. "Ross you want to do a GTA mod review with me?!" Adam called from him office probably knowing I had nothing to do. I look around my office, sorry OLD office before walking out and heading into Adams office.

We filmed for a while maybe 1 hour and a half before we grew bored of the mods and decided to do the couch potatoes video now. We gathered everyone and sat them on the sofa ready to record some gang beasts. "But Ross where can I find you?" Adam said and I placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry I'm your pal Ross." The recording ran smoothly but I felt complete sadness throughout the video as all I could thing about was leaving max. When we finished it was time for lunch and I knew I was leaving in 3 hours. I walked into the kitchen grabbing a random food before eating it. I wasn't really fazed by what I was eating, it tasted good. Once I finished eating I decided to wonder around the offices for a bit saying hello to a few people as I walked and that's when I found myself in the editors station, more specifically Max's station. He wasn't there currently so I sat down on his chair sighing sadly. My hands brushed his keyboards slowly and I could feel myself becoming upset but I held it in. I don't want him knowing yet. "What are you doing in my chair?" A familiar beautiful voice asked. "Sitting." Shit my voice cracked. He spun the chair around and looked me in the eyes. "Whats up Ross?" He was always so caring, the source of my happiness. No. I can't do this. "Nothing!" With that I jumped from his chair and walked into Barney's office watching him prepare for a new video.

2 hours later and it's now time for me to leave. I stand at the front of the office with a mega phone somebody had sent us. "IM LEAVING PLEASE COME SAY GOODBYE!" after a few seconds some people can running over attacking me in a group hug. "Goodbye Jake, I'll miss you!" I say as I hug the giant man. "Goodbye Emily! I'll miss the bit of pizazz you gave my life." She chuckled as I hug her tightly. I had Sid good bye to nearly everyone. It was just Adam and... Max. "Adam, my wonderful boss. I'll miss you a lot, I'll keep in contact with you." He smiles at me and pulls me in squishing me with his hug. "BAH ROSS MAH LIL BRO IMA MISS YA!" He cheered in a weird voice making me laugh. That's when Max came over, Adam released me and I looked up at him. "What the hell's going on here?" He asks confused. "I'm leaving." I avert my eyes from him feeling ashamed. "What? No this is a joke? Please tell me it's a joke." I take a step forward cupping his face with my hand. "I'm sorry but it's not." I lean forward kissing his lips gently. "I'll miss you so much Max's but I need to make my own happiness not you making mine." A sob escapes his lips as he pulls me into a hug. "Max you need to let go." I whisper in his ear. He shakes his head violently holding he tighter. His cries got louder as the others pried him off of me. Once I was out of his hold I kissed him again before picking up the box of stuff. "I guess this is goodbye" "for now" Max whispered, tears streaming down his face.

Mithross, Redney And Timily One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now