3 A.M ~Redney~

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A lot can happen at 3 A.M. Especially when a tired Barney wonders into my room and plops onto my bed over my legs. "Barney what the hell are you doing?!" I exclaim as I was jolted from sleep by the sudden impact. "I'm tired but I can't sleep because you're all I think about." Barney slurred, truth spilling out of him. "Well that's nice but go back to your room, I don't want you to fall asleep in my room." I replied, pulling my legs out from underneath Barney and lean against the headboard. "Noo red! Please. If you let me talk I'll leave." Barney begged, grabbing ahold of one of my calves. "Fine you have 2 minutes." I groan sleepily. "What? That's not enough time! Fine I'll make my speech brief. Basically I want to confess something to you. What I want to confess is that I have fallen for you hard. Like really hard. You have taken over my thoughts and it's hard to concentrate without you invading them. Every time I close my eyes I see your face and I hope that when they open I get to see it once again. You're so beautiful and I love looking at you because you're like art." Barney confessed rolling on his stomach and now facing me. His eyes roamed my face for some kind of reaction. I opened my arms wide and with a sigh I spoke. "Come here you soppy man and give me a cuddle." A wide smile appears on his face as he practically leaps into my arms and nuzzles into me. "You're too cute." I mutter pressing a kiss to the top of Barney's head.

Hi hi hi! Hannah here and I'd like to say I don't read through and edit these things, expect to see some really short ones I'm hoping to make some of the short things as stuff to get my brain working and ready to write longer ones. Plus I love short but sweet ones so this was my first attempt. Tell me what you think please!

Mithross, Redney And Timily One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now