anxiety ~Mithross~

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You were the cause of my anxiety, I'm not going to lie. When I saw you I became terrified, my heart raced, my palms sweat and I feel like I should run. But I don't. Because you are my best friend, the best friend I'm in love with. My life's a bit complex, something you wouldn't understand. But I'll try and help you too. My dad has a terminal illness as does my brother. My mother is depressed and my step dad does jack shit. He works 8 hours a week, how shitty is that? My sister and brother used to live with my dad and I was left with the other one. She likes getting her own way and is very controlling and I felt as if I have no freedom. I have depression, I'm also suicidal. You didn't cause that. No it was the one before. The one who bullied me and yet I stayed because 'your first love always means the most' It's not true, because you are my second and there is no way in hell I can get over you. I asked for advice from Shelby but she was no help. Her exact words were 'just kiss him, he obviously likes you' i laughed it off and said 'sure' i mean what else was i supposed to say? 'Fuck yeah lets go make out with Ross!' Even though that does sound appealing, No thank you. Even if you make me anxious when I'm with you everything seems OK. I feel OK... And I'm not scared anymore. And for that I want to thank you. That's the reason I wrote this I guess, just a thank you and an I love you. Because you mean the world to me and I would change it for anything. - Max

As I sign it I see Ross walk into the bathroom and see this as my opportunity. I place the letter in an envelope and sign the name Ross on the front as elegantly as I want to make it the best for him as he deserves the best, not me some nervous wreck. I pick up the case of roses and rush into your office and place the roses on the table and place the envelope in front of them. I go unnoticed by everyone, everyone except Adam. He sees me and starts fangirling so I rush up to him and force him into the office where I close the door and watch through the window seeing Ross go back into his office. "What the fuck was that max?" Adam shouts confused. "Me confessing to Ross my love." I speak truthfully. Adam squeals loudly and I flinch at the sound. "Can I tell Jess?" He asks happily. "Sure why not, I don't care." He types quickly and then stops and my phone rings. I pick it up to be defend by a girly squeal.

M: hey jess I'm fine thanks.
I pull the phone away from my ear flinching at her loudness.
M: so what I love Ross? He doesn't like me back so why does it matter?
J: did you tell him?
Jess wasn't shouting anymore and I was thankful because If she was I would be deaf now.
M: yeah.
I spoke too soon.
M: I wrote him a letter and gave him a bouquet of roses.
J: how did he react?
M: I don't know he is still in his office.
A: I'll go check!
Adam had butt into the convocation and left the room leaving me with a crazy shipper Jess to deal with.

Adams P.O.V

As I left the office I signed with relief, even though it wasn't on speaker I could still hear jess and was surprised Max could still hear things. I walk to Ross office and knock on the door lightly before walking in. The first thing I see are the roses and I look at the floor and see Ross in a ball sobbing holding the letter max had written him. "Hey Ross what's up?" I ask concerned for the man on the floor. "He loves me a-and I hurt him!" Ross sobs loudly. "Ross you didn't hurt him." I try and sooth but he shouts at me.
"YES I DID! I CAUSED HIS ANXIETY! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IT HURTS ME TO KNOW I HURT THE MAN I'VE BEEN IN LOVE WITH FOR 5 YEARS?!" I stand up from my crouching position next the head of the sobbing man and sigh saddened. "Then go tell him that." He sits up and nods his head wiping his tears from his eyes and places the letter on the desk next to the beautiful red roses. Ross then stands up and stumbles put of his office and into mine where you can see max talking on the phone. I walk in first and take the phone from Max not hanging up knowing jess would want to hear this.

Max's P.O.V

Adam walked into the office and took my phone from me, I was going to complain until I saw a teary eyed Ross. My heart dropped as I saw him look so sad. "Uhm... I assume you read my letter..." I spoke avoiding eye contact with Ross. He let out a sob and dove onto me hugging me and I hugged back with no intention of letting go. "I'm sorry max." He cried out. "Why are you sorry?" I ask confused. "I hurt you! And I'm so sorry max. I love you and I hurt you." My heart sped up at what he had just said. He loved me. I smiled crazily and pulled away from the hug and cupping his face. "You didn't hurt me, you gave me the thrill of being alive." I lean forwards and kiss his lips softly, his lips tasted salty from the tears and I didn't care as all that mattered to me was Ross. Adam squealed loudly and I saw a flash and pulled away. "Shit the flash was on... I WONT POST IT DON'T KILL ME." I look to Ross who nods his head both of us agreeing. "You can post it, but I suggest sending it to jess first." Then I heard jess voice through the phone. "He already did and it's on Twitter now!" My phone began dinging blocking out some of what jess had said. I smile and turn back to Ross kissing him again. "OHS MYS GODS MITHROSS IS REALS!" I heard Barney exclaim from the office meaning he had seen the photo. I smirk into the kiss and pull Ross closer not wanting to let him go.

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