The End ~Mithross~

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Fear, fear is something that consumes us all, something that burns to the core. Those who claim not to be afraid are liars, this is the most terrifying thing to have ever happened. So you understand what's happening I need to start from the beginning. The day it all began....

"ROSS! oh my good! What the fuck is happening?!" I heard max call from the front room pulling me away from the sweet dream of us being together. Slowly I pulled myself out of my bed and stumbled sleepily into the living room. "What the fuck do you want?" My morning voice groaned as I plop myself next to the panicking Max. "Just watch the fucking news!" He rewinds the news and beings playing the story. "It has been decided that the human race must go, in exactly 10 minuets all power will go out and our men will be coming to kill you before killing themselves. We are telling you this as a warning, if you are seen you will be shot on sight. laddies and gents this is the last you will ever hear from me." As the woman finished her sentence a gun shot was heard and her body was then going to the right blood splattering the wall. I scream loudly. "Max! We need to pack some shit, we are going on an adventure that will probably last the rest of our lives." He nodded at me in shock tears running down his cheeks. He jumps up running into his room packing the things he'll need. I follow him into the hallway but go into my room. I grab two back packs fill one and a half of them with clothes before going into the bathroom and putting in medicine and toiletries, mine and Max's.

I pull out my phone to see if there is anyway of getting ahold of Tim but there was no bars.shit. "they have already cut the telephone wires." I say to max walking into his room to see him packing into a back pack. He nods his head but doesn't move his attention away from packing. "Do you still have your gym duffle bag?" I question walking towards the gorgeous frantic man. "Yeah, it's in the closet." Max replied words shaky breaths uneven. I pull him into a hug squeezing him like it was the last hug he could ever give me, we both knew it could be. Reluctantly I let go of the man before going to his closet and pulling out his duffle bag. I walk into the kitchen and get all the long lasting food, organising it into the bag, then I heard it. The shouts of men and women, I go to Max's room and look out, from his window you can see it all, cars were on fire and the ones that weren't as women on top of them shouting. Men were walking the streets with nothing from bats to machetes. "Oh my god..." I whisper just loud enough to gain the attention of max, who walked away from his packing and was now peering out the window with me. "How the fuck are we going to get out?" I asked beginning to have a panic.

"The fire escape" max declares after a moment of silence before going back to his bag and zipping it up. Max then Chuck's a pack of mints at me. "Even if the world is ending I don't want to be with you if you're breath stinks." as soon a he said this I popped a mint into my mouth. "Max before we go anywhere can you promise me something?" He walks closer to me. "What is it Ross?" "Please don't leave me, my monophobia would kill me and I'd miss you so god damn much." He smiled down at me before pulling me into a hug, the one I didn't know if I'd feel again. "I wouldn't dream of it, if we go down we go down together." I smile taking a whiff of how he smelt, knowing he may never smell like it again. "Before we leave though I suggest changing into something that isn't just pyjama bottoms." I nod and he sets me free from his grasp and I rush as fast as humanly possible to get changed. Once changed I met max near the back window where we were to climb. I swung both of my back packs over my shoulder ready to go and Max had his on both shoulders carrying the duffle bag in his right hand. "Okay, so our plan is to run as fast as we can to that forest back there." Max says pointing the the wooded area in the distance. "And remember lay low."

Max climbed out first and then motioned for me to follow. once I was out there max began to climb down the fire escape stairs quietly and carefully. Then I realised were going to need weapons. I climb back into the flat and into my room where I grab my three katanas and rush back out the window and following where max had gone, max was already on the floor before I reached the second set of stairs. Once I was done Max hit me on the arm. "Hey! I was just getting us some weapons." I whisper yell at him. I think that's when it struck him, if we wanted to live we were going to have to kill to survive. Fear was evident in his eyes and he was on the verge of tears. "Max come on, just think of this as really good virtual reality, you aren't really going to kill anyone, it's just coding." he nods his head clearly not believing me but willing to give it a shot. I hand him the largest one and hold on to the smaller two for myself. "Alright on the count of three we run." Max nods getting ready to sprint. "1,2,3" with that max sprinted off me only two steps behind him. Max was aiming for back allies trying to stay away from the public eye, in fear of dying.

Mithross, Redney And Timily One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now