Unexpected Prom ~Mithross~

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"Man are you ready for prom?" Max's cheery voice sounded from the phone. "Yeah! I can't wait to see how our dates look." That's a lie, I cant wait to see how he looks in his suit. My friend Ashlie had agreed to come as my date as the girl she was crushing on was going with Max, the guy i liked. Life was cruel. "Right well I better go, I have to go pick up Holly in a bit." "Alright see you there bro." "Yeah, bye Ross" with that he hung up. I pulled my suit out of my wardrobe and began to put it on. Ashlie had chosen to wear a wine red dress so had made me buy a wine red bow tie. I walk over to the mirror and look at myself in it. "Wow, you don't scrub up too bad Ross." I spoke to myself, pulling at the hem of my blazer. "Alright so I have time for a stop at the coffee shop and then I will go to school and meet Ashlie there." I whisper to myself. I walk out my room and downstairs to see my mom with a camera. "Mom what are you doing?" I asked irritatedly. "Taking pictures of my son going to prom, what else?" She gushed taking pictures of me as I walked down the last few steps. "Come on baby get a picture with your mom. Honey! Come take a picture of me and Ross together." My dad comes in and takes the camera from my mom and takes a quick picture before handing it back. "You look good Ross." He smiles patting me lightly on the shoulder. "Thanks dad. Well I getter be off to prom, bye guys!" I hug my dad and kiss my mom on the forehead before leaving the house and into my car.
I drive to the coffee shop and get out of the car rushing into the shop. "Hello how can I help you?" A small voice sounded from behind the counter. "Hi uhm please can I have a caramel hot chocolate?" "Is that to go or to drink in?" "In please." "OK what's your name we will call you when it's done." "Ross, thank you." I smile sweetly at the lady before going to a table to sit down. I pull out my phone whilst I wait and begin to scroll through my Twitter feed to see a lot of my friends talking about prom. I like a few and retweet some until I saw one that caught my eye from Jess.

@aphmau: it's prom night, you never know what can happen. Even the unexpected can become the expected. <3

She was always the one to be deep and emotional in our friendship group. I decide to reply to her tweet with something funny.

@yourpalross: so I can expect a unicorn to appear and start doing the Irish jig? Cos that would be p cool.

Okay that wasn't that funny but it made me laugh. "Ross!" My head snapped up to see my drink on the side, I stand up and walk to the counter and grab my drink before returning to my seat. I begin to nurse my drink when k get a text.

Ashwee: may or may not have stolen Max's date, oops. -picture attached -

The picture was of Ashlie and Holly kissing, I awed quietly but then realised Max would be alone for prom.

Ross-chan: congrats but what about Max?

Ashwee: Holly said that Max only took her as a cover up. ;)

Ashlie new about my huge crush on Max and teased me about it constantly. I decide I should probably call Max see what he's going to do now. "Ring ring ring" my phone sounded as I called him. "Hello?" I heard Max's deadpan voice speak through the phone. "Hey Max it's Ross." I spoke quietly before sipping at my hot chocolate. "Oh hi Ross, you heard about Holly and Ashlie?" His voice perked up as he heard it was me. "Yeah Ashlie sent me a picture of them kissing." "They're cute together." His voice chuckled. "Ash told me that Holly was a cover up is that true?" I question deciding I wanted answers. "Uhm yeah she was actually." Max answered honestly, I could sense he was nervous through the phone. "What do you want to do now we don't have dates?" I ask taking more of a drink from my mug. "You want to go to that park near that coffee shop?" He asked as I heard his footsteps through the phone. "Yeah I'm in that coffee shop right now, I'll see you in a minute." "Alright see you in a sec." I hung up and quickly finished my drink before paying and leaving the quiet coffee shop and into the streets.

The sun was beginning to set making the sky have a tint of pink aura. My feet make heavy steps against the concrete as I walk towards the park. Once I arrive at the park I sit on the swings and wait patiently for Max to arrive. "You look really nice." I jump at the sound of the voice and look up to see Max in front of me smiling sweetly. "Woah." I whisper looking at him in the suit. He looked god like, practically perfect. A small blush arose on his cheeks as I look at him in all his glory. Max sits on the swing next to me and we watch the sunset take place before us. "Holly said Ash was a cover up too, is that right?" Max asks breaking the comfortable silence we shared. "Yeah she was." I whisper still looking up at the sky. "If you don't mind me asking, why was she a cover up?" Max asked unsure if he was breaking any boundaries. Should I tell him? Screw it, here it goes. "No its OK, it's actually because I'm...gay and the guy I like was going with someone else." "Oh, that's actually the same reason Holly was a cover up." I chuckle slightly and feel relieved that he was gay, at least gives me more of a chance. "Wait so you say 'was'?" Shit. I turn my head to face max with wide eyes. "Y-yes." I spoke my stutter coming through. "Ross do you like me?" My cheeks began to heat up and I nodded my head shyly. "Good this won't be out of turn then." "What?" I quickly ask but instead of a reply his lips are pressed to !one in a sweet kiss. He pulls away almost as quickly as he kissed me. "Fuck Jess' tweet was right." He laughs at what I had said before kissing me upon the lips again.

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