7) The Book

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A week went by, and nothing was getting easier. The lads visited me from time to time, and they are like my brothers.

Jay was the one I could goof off with, but is always there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on.

Siva was the one that I could talk to, and when the lads get too crazy, the one that calms them down.

Tom was the hyper one that always looks out for me.

Max always makes the simplest jokes but always gets everyone laughing. 

And Nathan. The boy next door who I loved dearly, but fell to far and had my heart broken.

To be honest, I wasn't fully over what happened to me. I mean, forgive and forget, right? Its just hard. I do my best, but its difficult. My best friend forgot about me. Nothing is more painful than that.

I hadn't moved in with the lads yet, but I do visit everyday. I finally finished school, and I was away from Elizabeth and Jordan. Finally. That was the only positive thing right now. I still lived with Adam and Courtney which was a downer.

As I grabbed my journal, I gripped it closely to my chest as I swung my feet from the tree house. This notebook means everything to me. My Mum gave it to me, and ever since, I wrote in it. I still had the writing I made for Nathan when I lied on my bed and he played with my keyboard.

I missed those days when I would come home and hang out with Nathan. Even though I still lived with Courtney, I was a kid and didn't have a care about it as much as I do now.

I felt my phone vibrate on my leg. I took my iPhone out of my pocket and looked to see who it was. 'Avatar :)' it read. I just laughed a little.

Despite it has only been a week, I feel like I have known these guys for most of my life.

'Come inside your house. We're waiting for you! x' He texted me. My eye brows shot up. What were they doing in my house?

I sighed and climbed down the rope ladder. My book was clentched to me with one hand as I climbed down. I went to the front of my house and opened the door. There the lads were and in front of them were Adam and Courtney.

Although, Nathan wasn't there. "Where's N-"

"Here I am!" Nathan walked from the kitchen doors with a tray of food. He set it down on the coffee table. He put out chips and dip, cubed fruit on a stick, and popcorn. I just laughed at the food that was set out on the table.

"What?" Nathan asked patting the seat in between him and Jay. "Nothing." I smirked and took a seat next to them.

"I remembered this was one of our favorite snacks up in the tree house. I remembered making them with you and having Courtney yell at us for being happy and smiling." Nathan said nudging my arm.

"Heyyyy!" Courtney said pointing a finger at me.

"Why would you lead him on to say that!" Courtney said getting up.

"I-I-What?" I seriously didn't know how this turned upon me.

Everybody looked at me to Courtney.

"What? No. Don't blame this on her! Its not her fault!" Nathan said holding his hands up in front of him.

"Of course it is, sweetie. It always is!" Courtney said walking over to me. She grabbed my hand together in front of me and clenched them with one hand. Her face was inches away from mine.

"Hey! That is not needed! Dani didn't do a thing! I said it! If anything I should be getting slapped!" Nathan said trying to ease Courtney. Everybody was just looking at us, nervous about what was going to happen. Well, everyone except for Adam. He was just sitting there watching.

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