17) A New Maid?

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The happy couple ran past me, hand in hand as they took a seat with everyone on the floor.

I made my way down and took a seat in between Kelsey and Narresha. Everybody here was a couple in love, except for me.

"So what are we doing?" Max asked.

"How about the water game?" Nina suggested. She had a smile on her face.

"Okay. Who's going to play?" Tom asked.

"The boys are, of course!" Kelsey budged Tom a little who couldn't help but laugh at his girlfriend's actions.

"Okay. Someone get the timer and Dani, help me get the bottles of water." Ariana instructed. Right away, we got up and headed for the basement. We opened the door and took out two packages of water bottles.

 We made our way back up and saw everyone waiting. The guys were standing up with a foldable table in front of them.

The girls helped us right away with opening the package and opening the water bottles. We set 10 in front of each guy.

"Ready guys?" Nareesha asked holding the timer.

"In 5, 4, 3-" Kelsey started. "Go!" Tom yelled as he started drinking the bottles of water along with the lads.

Jay took his head away from his second as he swallowed. "I would go a lot better if this was beer." Jay quickly stated before moving to his third. We just laughed and rolled our eyes, knowing Jay.

Finally, the timer went off. Jay drank the most with 7, Max and Tom tied with 5, Siva with 4, and Nathan with 2 and a half. Nathan pouted his lip as Ariana went up to meet him and gave him a kiss on the nose, making him smile. I gave a half smile, wishing that was me.

"Okay, now what?" Nareesha asked.

"Which ever lad need to go," Nina put quotations around go, "first, loses. The last one who hasn't gone wins."

"Ooooooooo! That should be funny!" Ariana clapped. I smirked and looked at the lads who were already shaking.

We were just laughing at the lads dancing around. I had to admit, they looked horrible while they jumped around.

"I HAVE TO GOO!!!!" Tom yelled, disappearing for a few minutes. The other lads automatically ran for other bathrooms.

When everyone came out, Tom was pouting. "I CAN'T BELIEVE I LOST!! NATH CHEATED!!"

Tom crossed his arms over his chest as he pointed one arm at Nathan.

"DID NOT!" Nathan crossed his arms over his chest. Ariana looked at me and smirked. She was obviously enjoying this.





"YOU DID SO," There was a moment of silence, "That didn't make sense did it."

Everybody laughed and shook their heads.



"OH YEAH! THEN HOW DID I LOSE?!" Tom huffed.

"BECAUSE YOU LOSS!" Jay budged into the conversation. "Now stop blaming my Nathan." Jay joined them in crossing his arms.

"Oh calm down boys. How about I'll make you guys tea?" I asked, amused at how childish these guys can be.

"Okie!" Nathan smiled, no longer mad.

"Me too please!" Tom and Jay agreed.

I rolled my eyes, putting a smile on my face and heading towards the kitchen.

 As I put on the kettle, I leaned on the counter searching through my phone. My parents are now constantly texting me, telling me that they're happy, they miss me, and how their lives are going. It makes me smile, thinking how happy they are, but I just miss them.

"DANI! IS THE TEA READY?" I heard Max yell from the living room. I smiled at their love for tea as I brought the cups of tea on a tray.

"Here you go."

The lads' faces lit up as they ran for the tray of tea. Once they got their tea for themselves and their girls, they took a seat and cuddled up. There was one cup of tea left and it was for me. As put down the tray and grabbed the tea, someone grabbed my attention.

"Wait, Dan. Can I have that cup? I already finished mine." Max asked. I just nodded and handed him my cup.

"Can you also go get us some snacks?" Jay asked.

"Yeah, and don't bring anything crappy or I'm going to throw it at you." Ava spat.

I raised my eyes brow and nodded as I headed for the kitchen. I brought in some popcorn, a few bowls of chips. I brought it in and put it on the table as I took a seat on the floor, leaning on the couch that Nathan and Ariana sat.

"This isn't butter popcorn!" Ava yelled as she threw a handful of popcorn on me. I closed my eyes as I took a breathe. Calm down. Don't yell. Don't scream.

I opened my eyes and everyone was watching tv. They were watching football. The lads cheered. As I watched, Nathan, who sat behind me stood up cheering, causing the bowl oh chips on his laps to fall on me.

I looked up at him as he looked down at me, shocked. His eyes filled with worry. I gave him a smile as I stood up and headed towards my room. I closed the door behind me as I took a seat on my bed.

"Hey Dani!" I heard a yell from downstairs.

I rolled my eyes and headed downstairs. Everyone was sitting in a circle.

"What' up?" I asked taking a seat.

"Can you get us-" Siva started.

"Chips? Water? A world wide tour? What? What do you guys want from me?" I plastered a smile on my face.

"Actually yes. Well, except for the tour thing, but if you can get that, that would be great." Tom pointed out.

I rolled my eyes as I got up and headed for the kitchen. So I'm a maid to them, now? Haha, who would have figured this out?

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