8) Trying To Find A Place In This World

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I was sat on a park bench as I saw the text, I felt my eyes start to burn. I put the phone to my chest as I let a few tears come down my face. I felt myself shaking as the cold breeze hit my face. I took a shaky breathe and lifted my head to see people walking around. People in love. People laughing. People of all sorts of emotions.

My phone vibrated again. 'Please. We're all worrying about you.'

I took another breathe and got up. I decided I should. They are the closest to caring about me at least.

I walked up to the lads' house and stood in front of it. It wasn't huge, but it was big. Two stories.

I slowly made my way up to the front door. I knocked on the door. "Coming!" I heard a girl's voice. The door swung open to reveal a girl with dark brown hair. She gave me a smile to reveal a beautiful smile.

"Hi! You must be Dani! Nathan is always on and on about you! I'm Nareesha, Seev's girlfriend!" She held out her hand for me to shake. I just gave her a smile and shook her hand.

"Come on. Make your self at home." Nareesha stepped out of the way so I can come in. I just gave her another small smile and stepped in. There were two other girls on the couch. One with blonde hair, and another with brown with her tips wavy.

I shyly took walked in next to Nareesha. I just met Nareesha, but I knew right away we would get along. Of course I didn't say it along. Trusting is hard these days. Once you trust someone, they'll just leave you. I learned from several past experiences.

Nareesha took a seat next to the blonde girl who was looking at me. She had a smile on her face as she stood up. "I'm Kelsey. Tom's girlfriend! I have been wanting to meet you!" She said as I shyly shook her hand.

"Oh, and this is Ariana! Nathan's best friend." She pointed towards the girl with brown hair. I looked at her as she gave me a small wave and a smile, revealing dimples on her cheeks.

Automatically, my heart cracked. She was beautiful. Kelsey and Nareesha were as well, but they make me feel comfortable. I felt uneasy about Ariana. I just felt out-casted. I don't know if that makes sense, but I just felt weird.

"Don't be shy. Take a seat!" Kelsey said motioning towards a chair in front of her. I smiled and took a seat.

"So, Siva told me you were moving in. Why haven't you?" Nareesha asked me.

I gulped a little. I looked into Nareesha's brown comforting eyes and I felt a little better. Like she actually cared.

"Yeah, Tom told me you are always here. I am surprised you haven't moved in yet!" Kelsey looked at me questioningly. They were just looking at me, and I automatically felt like I needed to throw up. I cleared my throat.

"Ermm.." I started but got cut off.

"Ariana! You're here!!" I heard the familiar Gloucester accent I grew up with.

I heard a bunch of footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked over at Ariana as she jumped on Nathan, giving him a hug. I slightly smiled at the sight. I just wished that hug was mine. I really needed it.

I watched as the other lads went to greet their girls. Tom gave a hug to Kelsey and Seev gave Nareesha a kiss as he sat next to her. Max took a seat on the floor as he leaned on the couch where Kelsey and Tom sat.

Jay walked over to me and sat next to me. He gave me a small smile and mouthed if I was okay. He was probably referring to yesterday's events. I looked down at my hands witch were fumbled together and were just playing together. I nodded slightly and kept my sight on my hands.

"Hey! Look who's here!" I felt Jay wrap an arm around me and bring me for a hug. I just slightly smiled at the hug. I needed it more than anything. A hug can mean so much than you think. To me, a hug is the only thing that keeps me alive.

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