57) If I Die Young

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57) If I Die Young

I ran into my room, closing the door behind me. 

I opened my laptop to see if Nathan was online. He was. It was around 3 here, so it was around supper time over there.

I called him up. It took a few rings until he answered. His face popped onto the screen.

"Hi Sykes." I said ecstatically. I missed seeing his face so much.

"Hello Dani." He said quietly.

"What's up?" I asked, obviously enthusiastically for seeing him.

"Work. Dates. The usual." He said simply.

"You mad at me still?" I asked.

"Why, because you couldn't confront me and went to Jay instead?" He snapped.

My smile dropped and as cheesy as it sounds, I honestly heard my heart crack and break into pieces like a glass cup falling off a table


"Dani. If you can't trust me, there is no relationship at all." He shot at me.

His eyes were serious, as I felt my eyes begin to burn.

"You were never online. You were always busy."

"But you could have sent a text or a voicemail!" He yelled at me.

"I-I thought it would have been better to tell you instead of through a voicemail or a text."

"That doesn't give you a reason to go to my best mate!" He shouted.

"I didn't! He called me, knowing I have been upset! I've been up all night waiting for you! Up night after night!"

"Well stop being so clingy." His voice quietened as he sounded disturbed and annoyed.

"Oh I'm being clingy! I waited f*cking years for you, wanting your love! Excuse me if I am happy!"

"Well you've waisted your time then. You should have gotten a life!" His voice picked up again.

I bit my lip, not knowing what to say to that.

"Dani." His voice softened. "I didn't me-"

"Shut up, Sykes. You're right as always. I'll stop being so clingy and leave you alone."

I hung up right away, slamming my laptop close as I covered my face in my hands.

After a while of sobbing into my hands, thoughts shot through my mind.

"He wants me out of his life? I'll give him that. Permanently."

I headed to the bathroom in between Nathan and my rooms, as I closed both doors. I put my phone on shuffle, full blast.

I took a stash of blades out from under the sink, where they were hidden in the back. I took one out before hiding the whole package in it's original spot.

I lifted my sleeves of my sweats and hoodie before slicing my wrists.

I didn't care about the pain of them, it needed to be done. That's what Nathan would have wanted.

I felt my phone vibrate several times, along with several text messages and voice mails, but I ignored them. I didn't bother picking up anymore.

I took my phone as I took a pic of the cuts on my wrist, I uploaded it on Instagram.

"FML." I captioned before hitting send. Right away, comments filled in.

"That's right, kill yourself!" 

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