Monday 17 April

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Kurt had just got home from and long day at school, all he wanted to do was sleep for a million years but he had a mountain on homework to do and 3 tests to revise for.

"Hi honey how was school" Carole called from the kitchen


"Oh I bet it ain't that bad"

"Ummm....yeah it's school"

Carole giggled a little before walking to kurt and giving him a peck on the cheek as she passed him to get to the cooker.

"Oh Blaine's up stairs"

"Why? I thought he was going to the beach with his family today, its his only day off in ages and he chooses to spend it in my room waiting" kurt laughed a little at the end and skipped up the stairs to his room. But not before saying a quick bye to Carole

He peeked though the door to see his curly headed boyfriend sitting at his desk, papers scattered everywhere. Kurt cringed at how messy it was, he hated mess with a passion but it was clear Blaine didn't care as much as he did.

"Hey you" kurt said quietly as he walked behind the chair where Blaine was sitting. He snaked his arms around his boyfriend neck, onto his chest and rested his chin on his head.

"Hey beautiful" he said with a smile on his face.

"You didn't have to come and see me you know and I thought you where going out with your parents"

"I wanted to and my dad got called in to work so we are going next weekend" blaine said as he raised his hands and rested them on Kurt's.

"Oh..soooo what ya doing there?" he said pointing to the work on the desk.

"Some stupid history project that's due Wednesday" he moaned

"You need help?"

"Naaaa.....but there is something I do need?"

"And what would that be honey?"

"A kiss" he said quickly

"Why on earth would i give you a kiss?"
Kurt said trying not the laugh at blaine's face but failed badly.

"Because you love me, and Iv been waiting here all day for you to come home"

Kurt hummed in agreement as he straddled Blaine lap and just sat there smiling at him, and after what felt like forever but really only a couple second of staring into those dark brown eyes he raised his hands and cupped blaine's face and give him a quick peck on the lips and then pulled back with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Hey.....not fair"

"What's not fair" kurt replied knowing full well what the boy in front of him meant

"I want a proper kiss"

"That's was a proper kiss"

"No it wasn't, our lips hardly touched"

"Yeah......but they did" kurt loved to tease is boyfriend

Blaine just gave him those puppy eyes that kurt just can't resist. But his time kurt was not falling for it, he was enjoying himself too much.

"Do you want me to get the definition of a kiss up on my phone" Kurt's reached into the pocket of his dark blue skin tight jeans and started to type

Blaine just sat there looking at how adorable his boyfriend was. He couldn't take it anymore. He put his pointer finger under Kurt's chin and pushing his face up to look at him " I love you" he whispered as if he was telling him a secret. Blaine leaned forward and captured Kurt's lips in his for a sweet and gentle kiss. Kurt dropped the phone and rested one hand on Blaines solder and one was tangled in his hair, trying to deepen the kiss a little.

They never wanted the kiss to end its was so nice to have no worries it was just Kurt and His boyfriend and nobody else. Kurt broke the kiss after there 5 minute make out session and just looked into Blaine's eyes, Still inches away form his lips.

" I love you too......With all my heart"
It was around 5:00 AM and they both where snuggled on Kurt's King sized bed I'm a comfortable silence just enjoying each other's company, Kurt's head was resting on Blaines chest, Blaines strong arms where wrapped about Kurt's tightly and their legs intertwined. It amazed them how much their body's fit perfectly together. After a while Blaine broke the silence.

"Hey kurt..........I need to go now"

Kurt just moaned and snuggles closer into Blaines chest.

"If I don't go now my parents will kill me, Iv got to be home by 7, moms making dinner"

"Don't go" kurt wined. Blaine pulled impossibly closer and kissed the top of his head

"If I don't go now I can't come see you on Wednesday" Kurt instantly got up. Blaine just looked at his boyfriend and laughed.

"What are you doing? GO!"

Blaine gave him a quick kiss goodbye and walked to his car out side Kurt's house.
A couple hours later Kurt was going in nightly moisturising and his phone buzzed, he looked over at his and smile as the work Blaine came up in the screen

Hey beautiful.
I thought I would text you goodnight before I go to sleep.
Love you xxx

Kurt's smile increased as he unlocked his phone typed his reply

You know I don't have to text me every night :) hope you have a lovely Beauty sleep.
Love you too xxxxx ;)

Kurt placed his phone on the side of the sink and continued scrubbing his face.
Hi sorry if this is bad it's my first but I promise it will get better. please feel free to message me any storylines you would like to see Happen in this story and I will be sure to include it (I will give credit). Im planning to update this regularly so let just hope I don't run out of ideas :)
Thanks for reading

PS: I want to try and put fan art up that may of inspired the chapter or one that is related to it at the end in each one.

PS: I want to try and put fan art up that may of inspired the chapter or one that is related to it at the end in each one

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