Tusday 6th May

442 15 3

Blaine woke up from a ruff nights sleep in his new home. He didn't need to go to school for another week so he slumped back down into his pillows until his phone started to glow

Kurt xx
Morning X I'll be over around 7 bcoz dad wants me to help with the shop.

Morning to you too. Hope you have an absolutely fabulous day at school and looking forward to seeing you later. Xxx

Kurt xx
I'll try but nothing is fabulous when you have an English test

Very true. I hope it goes well anyway, you will smash it xx

Kurt xx
I'll try. Well I need to go now. Text me if you need the talk. see ya later.

Okay xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx byeeee

Kurt xx
Byeeee xxxx
Kurt pulled into the school carpark late, turning off the engine and sprinting towards to building. He had been late for school most days because of Blaine being around. He enter his tour room receiving a nasty glair from the teacher.

"Sorry I'm late miss"

"I can see that" she shouted walking towards him "you've been late every day for the last two week, this is unacceptable Kurt. Next time I'm sending a letter home." He look at her with a shocked face and quickly sat down at this desk next to Britney.
The rest of the day went by pretty fast. He was in his way to glee when time slowed. The large shaped figure stop him in his tracks, his heart dropped. It was Karofsky . The memory's of the past year came flooding back. He was stuck on the spot, completely frozen with fear as the bigger man approached him but walked by without a touch.

Kurt was stuck staring down the hall for what felt like a life time. Eventually he snapped back into to reality realising he was silently crying. But he knew there was one place or person that would make him better.
Blaine and all the other care kids where sitting around the dinner table eating when they heard a faint shout from the other side of the house making them all stop and look at each other in complete confusion.

"The fuck was that" one of the older teens said.

"I Donno"

They all got up to investigate. As they got closer the shouts turned into loud cries. They stayed behind the door listing though the wood to hear the workers shouting at the person.

"Calm down please, you need to sign in to come into the building". The cries continued but the when the shouts returned Blaine's heart stopped.


It was Kurt.

He pushed past all the people crowding the door, opening it to see Kurt crouched on the floor with his head in his hands. "Kurt" he sighed getting the boys attention

"BLAINE" he screeched running towards Blaine's open arms loudly sobbing his neck. The smaller boy stood whispering soothingly into his ears,holding tight.

"Can I take him to the quite room please" he said politely to the worker, rubbing up and down Kurt's back.

"He needs to sign in" she replied

The Klaine diary  (glee: klaine)Where stories live. Discover now