Friday 8th May

525 16 14

"Hi Blaine, I feel like I haven't seen you in ages" carol said engulfing the short boy into a hug. "How have you been?"

"Good" he replied pulling away from the embrace.

"Blaine!"  Burt Merged out of the kitchen taking Blaine into an even stronger hug not letting go.

"Okay okay, dad let him go your gonna kill him" Kurt said walking up the stairs from the basement. "Hey babe" he gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"My Hero"

"Go to your room before I throw up..everyone will be here in a little while so don't get too comfortable and the door must be open"

"Yes dad we know" Kurt wined as he pulled Blaine towards the basement leaving the door at a jar.

"I miss this house, its so cosy" Blaine stated looking around the room. "I mostly miss having you to snuggle with when ever I want."

"I miss that too" he sat on the bed crossed legged watching Blaine as he looked at some of the new picture that's he had pinned on his wall.

"This is pretty" Blaine said pointing to a picture of a flower "did you take it?"

"Of corse"

"I'm impressed, maybe you should consider photography as your future occupation"

"I'm pretty set on being a designer and a Broadway star"

"And that you will be, my talented little cutie". He made his way to the bed sitting opposite him mimicking his position.

"How come I'm little, I'm 99.9% sure your smaller then me"

"I can dream you know". They both laughed. Kurt lent forward pushing Blaine backwards into the soft pillows, laying comfortably on top of him. "Someone's eager"

"I just wanted to be closer to you" kurt said brushing a piece of curly hair from his lovers face kissing his forehand.

"So who exactly am I going to meet?"

"Oh yeah I forgot about that...umm so there's my aunty Sarah and uncle Brian and their four children, Kirsten who's our age, Nancy and joel the seven year old twins and little Naomi who I think is nearly two I'm not too sure"

"Do know...know about us?"

"Yeah they do and they all really want to meet you..well except my-....never mind"

"Kurt? need to tell me"

"My uncle isn't too happy about the whole being gay thing"

"I'll keep my distance don't worry". He stroked Kurt's hair, threading his fingers through. Kurt sighed and Lent into the touch. "What did he do when you came out the them?"

"He gave me the your going to hell talk and said that he was going to get me fixed...I haven't seen him since then and this week he didn't really say anything at all"

"I'm sorry"

"You had it worse there's no need to be sorry...I have no idea how you did it, it was bad enough my uncle saying that's kinda stuff I couldn't coupe with my dad." After his rambling his look down at Blaine noticing that's his face has dropped tremendously and tears were forming in his eyes. "OH MY GOD. sweetie I'm sorry..I shouldn't of reminded you, God I'm such a bad boyfriend. Shit-Urgggg, God I'm sorry"

"It's okay babe"

"No-no it's not, shit I'm sorry. Please forgive me PLEASE!"

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