Sunday 29th April

586 16 0

It was a around mid day and Blaine had just finished his history essay, he sunk into the chair running his hands though his un gelled hair. He'd been at his desk for hours non stop typing and he still had 3 more projects to finish, sometimes he wished he could just go back to primary school.

"Blaine lunch is ready" his mother called from downstairs

"Coming" he made his way down the stairs grabbing the food from the counter and sitting at the table with a loud sigh that court both is parents attentions.

"You okay there?" His mom said reaching for his hand

"Yeah I'm fine just haven't stopped working"

"Oh, well maybe you should have a brake for a couple hours, go see Kurt of something"

Blaine's face dropped and he stared pushing his food around his plate
"I can't he's grounded"

"Thanks god" his father whispered to himself but his mother heard giving him a death stare. "What, he's bad for the boy"

"Oh and whys that?" Blaine snapped

"io young man don't speak to me like that"

"Answer my question dad, why is he bad for me?" He raised his voice

"Because he's making you gay Blaine, he's brain washing you because your not gay and the sooner that fag pisses off the sooner you can realise that" 

"Don't you DARE talk about Kurt like that" Blaine rose from his seat leaning forward so their faces there inches apart"

"What are you gonna do get you lady man to sprinkle rainbows on me?"

"I told you to stop" Blaine grabbed his shirt.

His dad stood from the table forcing Blaine off him and grabbing his shirt and pinning him into the wall.

"Don't put your hands on me, your dirty"

"GET OFF ME" Blaine struggled under his dad's grip.

"Are you gay?"


"Well then" his dad pulled his spare fist back and struck Blaine around the jaw making him fall to the ground. His mom streamed running to Blaine, his father told her not to touch him or he will kill him so his mom ran to the other side of the room screaming and crying at every punch he through at her son. Soon Blaine was too week to move he lay on his side curled into a ball trying to protect his already broken rip.

His dad stopes after a while walking to his wife and dragging her to the other room. Blaine stumbled to his feet using the table to support him, his blood stained the floor and walls, his eyes where burry and his mind dizzy but he had to get out.

He stumbled down the street surprised there was no people on the road. He reached a phone box down his street using the 50p he had in his pocket to pay. He started to put in Kurt's home number remembering he didn't have his phone. The phone rang for a short time and fin picked up

"Hello" fin sang down the phone.

"Fin where's Kurt" he croaked hissing at the pain in his whole body

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