Saturday 21th April

765 20 4

Blaine couldn't sleep that night he was going over what to say to Kurt, this was difficult for him, he never talked about his parents. His relationship with his dad was a complex subject.

Blaine was so tired but he had to get his over with. He got out of his bed and sloppily put some jogging pants on and when down the long flight of stairs. As he passed the clock by the door he saw it was 6:30, he sighed a little knowing that if his mom found him up this early she would know something was wrong Because he normal slept in on Saturdays so he went to turn around to go back to his room but his mom was already there with a sad looked her face.

"Why you up so early?" she said as she talked slowly down the stairs towards Blaine.

"I'm hungry"

"You don't have lie to me I'm your mother" she put her arm on his shoulder

"I'm not lying mom I promise" his mom just laughed a little before looking back at her sons confused face.

"You think I'm stupid, darling."Blaine shock his head. " I gave birth to you and you think I don't know when your what's up, is it about last night Because we both know it's going to be okay, he loves you more than anything I can see it and I saw it last night."

"But what if it scares him away" his voice cracked a little.

His mom just looked at him and sighed a little before pulling his into a hug. Blaine was on the verge of crying at this point. He tried to keep the tears back but he failed, a couple over flowed into his cheeks and onto his mothers pyjamas.

"You'll be okay" they both pulled away and looked each other's eyes. "So wipe those tears away" he said as he brought her hand up and run them over the tears. "And go text Kurt....okay" Blaine nodded


"It's just my job" he kiss his cheek before his jogged up the stairs to his room.

Blaine sat on his bed with his phone in his hand looking at the screen. He checked the time to see if it was too early to text him. Kurt alway got up early, Blaine never understood why but it was just way his body clock works.

To Kurt
Sorry about last night

Kurt didn't take long to reply. So quick Blaine wondered if he was waiting for him to text.

To Blaine
It's okay love

To Kurt
Are you free today? I need to talk to you about stuff

To Blaine
Yeah I am. Is this 'stuff' about your dad by any chance

To Kurt
Yeah but I'll explain later. I'll come to yours?

To Blaine
Around 10 ish

To Kurt
Sounds great. I'll let you get ready.
love you x

To Blaine
See ya soon, Love you too X
Blaine pulled into Kurt's drive way, his where hands sweaty and he couldn't think straight. He looked up to see Kurt looking out his bedroom window as he got out his car but he quickly disappeared again but moments later he was at the front door.

"Hey" Blaine said as he walked up to the door

"Hiya" Kurt pulled him into a hug

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