Wednesday 1st May

553 16 0

"Pinch punch first of the month" kurt whispered into the sleeping boys ear gently pinching him

"OW!" he flinched upwards grabbing Kurt forcing his away from him.

"AAAAA" Kurt screamed

"WHAT?!". Kurt looked down at the hand around his wrist

"Oh my god, sorry" Blaine pulled his hand away also moving further away from him. "I-i didn't realise...did i hurt you." He stuttered.

"Blaine it's fine, I was just shocked" Kurt said moving closer to blaine.
Blaine looked down at Kurt's slightly bruised wrist

"I'm much does it hurt"

"Nothing you can't kiss better" kurt said lifting his arm up to the shocked boy Blaine looked at him blankly then looked down at his wrist again taking it in his hand and rises it up to his lips hardly letting the skin touch. "Now on my lips". Blaine looked at him worriedly "what you don't want to kiss me?"

"Yes-I mean no-no I mean yes." He took a deep breath to help himself calm
Down. "I just don't what to hurt you"

"Fuck sake Blaine you didn't hurt me, okay?" Blaine nodded "now kiss me"

They both lent in and attached their lips for a sweet and short kiss "see wasn't that hard was it babe?"

"Shut up" he could help but smile

"Theirs my Blainey boy....morning sweetie" Blaine rolled his eyes at the nickname. "Fine ignore me then" he joked

"Morning" Kurt looked back at the messy haired boy giving him a small smile before climbing out of the bed.

"I'll come in before I go. Like always"

"Right I'm off" Kurt said walking into the room. "I'm running late"

"You better go then"

"I will" he walking up to Blaine, cupping his face with his hands and pulling their faces close. "First I need my morning kissies" Blaine rolled his eyes.

"Umm...I guess you'll just have to be late then" Blaine said leaning in calming Kurt's lips as his own. The kiss escalated quickly turning passionate with lots of tongue and moans. Kurt climbed onto the bed straddling his boyfriends hips never braking the kiss. After a couple minutes they broke apart for air.

"I'd better be going dads gonna kill me if he sees I'm still here" Kurt said out of breath. "But I'll see you soon so....we could start off where we ended" he bit his lip watching Blaine's eyes darken with want.

"You better go before I get too tempted Because then you'll never leave" Kurt gave him a small peck on the cheek before crawling off the bed and out the door.

"I'll see you later then" 

Kurt couldn't focus on his work, Shakespeare was the leat of his worries at the moment. Although he loved having Blaine's around he could help but worry about where he was going to live. There was no way he would send him back to his parents. He was going to bring it up at dinner because fin was going to pucks after glee club tonight.

"KURT!" Mrs Redmond shouted snapping Kurt out of his thought. He looked at the teacher with a questioning look. "Could you repeat what Stella just said please."

Kurt thought for a bit before responding "sorry miss I wasn't listening"

"Right, Kurt that was your last chance you need to stop zoning out you've done it every lesson this week."

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