Thursday 19th April part 3

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The last thing Blaine could remember was Kurt and a couple guys in green uniforms by his side in a ambulance before the darkness took over his eyes.
Kurt had waiting in a hospital corridor on a single blue chair for some answers on why his boyfriend was unconscious and what damage has been done to him. He couldn't stop shaking, "why is it taking so long? what happened? Is it bad.....oh god is he dead!!" He questions kept flowing though his head but now was the moment when all of his questions would be finally answered. As the nurse walked around to corner Kurt's heart slowed a little with worry.

"How is he.......what's happened" he said hurriedly while standing up and running to the nurse.

"I think you'd better sit down" she said simply. Kurt head when straight to the worst

"Oh god....GOD......goddddddd"he side siting back down with his head in his hand.

"Oh dear sorry I didn't clarify....Blaine is doing fine. I just needed to asked you a couple of questions and tell you what's going to Happen" she said pulling up a chair and sitting opposite Kurt.

"Oh thanks god......shit" Kurt took a long breath and exhaled deeply

"Right so.....what is Blaine to you?"

"He's my boyfriend" Kurt replied kinda hesitantly, worried about the reaction but surprised when she nodded and wrote something down on her yellow note Pad

" how old his he?"



"11th may"

"Do you know what happened and where did you find him"

"I don't know anything about it, he hardly talked when i found him by my car in the Ohio state park."

"Okay thanks that all we need at the moment"she wrote more on the paper in front of her"

"So.....what damage is done"

"He has one broken rib but isn't that bad, most of his cuts are very small except one on his left side which was bleeding a lot and that explains why he past out on the way to hospital he's had stitches so the bleeding is not a worry anymore an dHe has just woken up."

"Okay thanks"

"Wait, Are you Kurt?"

"Yeah" he replied

"He was asking for you when he woke up, he's hooked up to a couple wires and tubes at the moment but you are free to see him now."

"Thanks I'll be right though in a sec"

"Nice speaking to you" the nurse stood up putting the chair back where it was and walked back down the hall.
----------------------------------------------Kurt entered the tiny white tiled room he saw his boyfriend laying on his back with his head looking the other way.

"Hey" he whispered as he sat on a chair next to Blaine's bed which looked identical to the one outside. Blaine turned his head to face the boy sitting next to him and gave him a tired smile

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