Saturday 4th May

521 17 3

"Kurt I'm nervous" blaine said walking into Kurt's room. Today he was meeting a social worker. He was 100% sure that a care home would be the best place for him, well anything is better than going back home.

Kurt steped forward taking Blaine into his arms. "It's gonna be okay, i promise you". He slowly rubbed his back trying to comfort him.

"What if-"

"No what if's" Kurt interrupted.

"But-" he started before Kurt's lips sunk into his. It was a short kiss but just long enough to making him feel slightly better.

"You gonna be me"
Blaine had been silent for the whole car journey, gripping Kurt's hand like a lifeline. He stared out the window in deep thought.

They pulled into the driveway of the care Home building, Getting out the car as soon as they parked grabbing Kurt's hand again.

They walked into the office, burt talked to the lady at the desk and she directed us into a small bland room with a couple seats. Soon a small middle ages lady walked in shutting the door behind her and sitting on the chair opposite them.

"Right so....which one of you is Blaine?". He lifted his hand up to signify that it was him. "Okay....Anderson I believe?"

"Yes" He replied

" I need you to tell me what the situation is and what's made it can burt and your friend please step out for a minute". Blaine's hand tightened around Kurt's telling him to stay.

"can I stay with him please...I promise I won't say anything unless you ask me."

She thought for a minute before nodding. "Okay but burt will have to go". She said and burt got up and stepped outside. "Right so Blaine can you tell me what has been happening."

" dad....he-he..started to hurt me a bit"

"Was this emotional or physical abuse?"


"Alright you know why he had been doing this?" She asked leaning forward little.

"Umm.....yeah I do" he said looking over at Kurt " I came out to him as gay a couple years ago..and he was upset but he ignored it because he was sure i wasn't....and then I met Kurt and he started blaming him for turning me gay, he used to say a lot of thing about him and it was like Iv was being stabbed each time." Blaine eyes started to tear up a little at the memories.

"Okay but when did the abuse start?"

"When he found out about me having a boyfriend." The woman wrote a couple things down into a small note pad.

"If your comfortable could you talk about what happened recently. she questioned. He nodded looking down at the ground and then back up to Kurt.

"We where having family time and my dad brought up girls and i reminded him that I had a boyfriend and he got angry....and then he hit me a couple times...I went to a phone box down my street and called the Hummel's and they let me stay at theirs for a couple days."

She wrote more things down before looked back up at the boys " right that's all we really need for the have a choice now, you came go back to the Hummel's for the night and we can help you move into tomorrow or we can put you in a room now and they can bring a couple things over tomorrow"

"If burt will let me I'll love to spent another night with them"

"He said it would be fine....if you come back tomorrow at 9 o'clock I'll meet you here. We are sending some people over to your parents house to get some of your stuff and to get you dads side of the story"

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