Tuesday 31th April

568 17 1

Blaine woke up the next day, Kurt in his arms cuddled into his chest. He smiled to himself brushing away a stray piece of hair from The sleeping boys forehead. Kurt's eyes fluttered opened blinking a couple times to clear his vision.

"Sorry I didn't meant to wake you" Blaine whispered pulling Kurt closer into his chest.

"It's fine, id better get up anyway" Kurt replied his voice deep with tiredness

"It's only five forty-five why don't you stay with me for a bit?". Kurt shifted his whole body towards Blaine resting his head higher up the boys chest.
"You can go back to sleep if you want"

"No, I just want to be close to you and talk"

"Okay, how was your night?" Blaine asked.

"It was pleasant.....how about yours"

"To be honest Iv had better" Blaine sighed. Kurt lifted his head and rested it on his hand

"What do you mean?"

"I woke up a couple times thats all".
Kurt nodded and kissed him on the cheek, keeping his head close.

"Why?" Kurt said placing his head on the same pillow as Blaine

"Umm...I Donno just-just you know....I kept thinking about stuff and yeah just stuff" Kurt nodded again.

"Okay, remember if you need me at anytime wake me straight away"

"I know you told me a million times " Blaine laughed

"Just making sure you know"

Kurt lent in and placed a small but meaningful kiss to Blaine's lip and moved to rest his head back into his chest.

"Right my off now" Kurt said walking back into the spare room. "I'll be back in a couple hours, you still got the phone?"

"Yep" Blaine said lifting the phone in the air.

"Right okay, I'll see you later then" Kurt walked up the curly haired boy and cupped his face. Blaine look up at him giving him his puppy dog eyes.
"You need to stop being so god damn cute, okay?" Kurt lent In to kiss him gently before sprinting Down the stairs to go to school.



"I was thinking-"

"Oh god" Kurt laughed

"Hey, you'll like it" Kurt give him a bitch please look. "Could you paint my nails?" Kurt's face lit up

"HELL YES!" He got up and ran down the stairs. moments later he appeared with a large silver and pink box.

"Now I regret this" Blaine laughed preparing himself for the beauty Lord side of his boyfriend.

"Sit on the floor" Kurt said tapping his foot on the carpet.


"Sit the floor, it's not difficult" Blaine did as he was told and set leaning against the side of the bed. Kurt stepped over him putting a leg each side of him and sat back on the bed. Blaine looked up with a questioning look "what, its an easier way of paining them.....now put your hand on my nee"
Blaine did as he was told again placing his hand on Kurt's thigh rubbing it up and down slightly. "I said nee you cheeky bustard"

"Sorry" he said, moving his hand down to his nee

"Thanks you......right so I was thinking maybe Mac blue or purple, what you think?"

"You are the expert here what do you think?"

"Mac blue it more you" Kurt opened the box rummaging though the many different coloured nail polishes "a-ha, found it" he said as he pulled a small pot out of the box. He also grabbed a piece on kitchen role and placed it under Blaine's hand.

"we don't want those perfect jeans getting dirty do we, their my favourite" Blaine looked up at Kurt giving him a small smile.

"Why are they your favourite?" Kurt questioned starting to un screw the nail polish

"They make your bu-legs-They make your legs looks good" Kurt giggled a little before starting to putting on the first layer of the blue Paint. 

"Mmmhmm, I bet they do" Kurt could see Blaine's cheeks started to turn slightly red.

They sat there in a comfortable silence for a while as Kurt did the reset of the nails.

"All done" Kurt announced. Blaine moved his hand  "NO BLAINE!"


"Their not dry jet" Kurt took his hand and blow on the nails trying to speed to the process. Blaine shivered a little at the feeling which made a small grin appear on Kurt's face.

" they done?" Blaine wined. Kurt though for a bit studying The nails

"Yep, just don't go scraping them off"

"Why would I do that to your master piece" Blaine said slowly standing up

"Because you evil". Blaine give Kurt an devilish grin before pushing him over on his back and into the bed, straddling his hips

"Of course I am" Blaine lent closer threading their hands together before putting their hands over Kurt's head pinning him done completely. He lent down in a Hungry kiss, shucking and biting on the taller boys bottom lip making him moan slightly. Their mouths moving perfectly with open kisses. Blaine pulled away to see a every overwhelmed Kurt.

"Wow" Kurt sighed "I should paint your nails more often"

Sorry it's a short one I didn't really have many ideas. If you have any storyline ideas please message me (I give credit)

Thanks for reading



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