Friday 20th April

809 23 3

Kurt stayed the night with Blaine sleeping in the chair beside him with his head resting on the hospital bed where his boyfriend lay his hand still attached tho Kurt's even in his sleep he kept a tight grip never letting him go even tho Kurt wasn't going to anyway.

It's was 7:30 when Blaine slowly opened his eyes adjusting to hospital lights above him blinking a couple times before everything became clear again. He turned into his side seeing Kurt still asleep his head half on his pillow half in the side bar. Blaine couldn't help be smile at him in a loving way because he has the most beautiful, caring and perfect boyfriend ever. He thought Never in a million years he would find a boyfriend but here he was staring at the most gorgeous boy and he was his, he's boyfriend.

Kurt stirred in his sleep a little trying to wake up from a dream before slowly opening his eyes going through the same stages as Blaine before opening them fully looking back at Blaine who was still smiling at him.

"What you smiling at gorgeous?"

"My boyfriend" Kurt just smiled and squeezed Blaine's hand.

"Okay cute but creepy"

"You love it"

"Umm...Debatable" Kurt smiled

"I love your smile" Blaine whispered taking his free hand and running it along Kurt's lips with his finger tips and resting it on his cheeks. "I love your eyes too" Blaine looked at them as if he was hypnotised "I could get lost in them forever" he moves his hand and stroked under Kurt's eyes. They stared  at each other for what felt like hours lost in their own little world admiring every inch of the skin in front of them. They lay in a comfortable silence for while before the doctor from the day before Walked him destroying the moment completely.

"Morning boys"

Blaine dropped his hand for Kurt's face with a quiet groan and looked at the doctor.

"Sorry to come in so early I have some good news and I also need to Check that everything is okay"

Blaine nodded and the doctor continued looking at numbers on screens and writing them down.

"Yep everything looks just fine, so if you feel up to it we can discharge you later today if you want"

"That would be great" Blaine said with smile on his face "no a-fence but I hate it here "

"No a-fence taken" the doctor laughed. "So you will need to wear a rip brace to keep your rips still and some meditation to keep the pain to the minimum and after around 5 weeks you should be back to normal."

"Thanks doc"

"No problem...someone should be down in about an hour to double check and then get you ready to go home." He smiled at Blaine and walked out the room.

"Uh.......I can't wait to get out of this stupid bed" Blaine sighed

"mmhhm" Kurt replied sleepily "I'm get tired of sleeping in a chair, my butt hurts like a bitch" Kurt wiggled in his chair a little before resting in the most comfortable position he could find.

"You didn't have to stay you know"

"I know but I wanted to" Kurt smiled at is boyfriend. "Because I love you"

"Now who's the cheesy one, hey"

"Oh, Shut up you"
Kurt was helping Blaine into his car Blaine winced in pain as he sat in the Passenger seat.

"You okay?" Kurt asked as he placed a small kiss on his boyfriends temple.

"Yeah, I'm fine just hurts a little that's all" he gave him a small smile.

Kurt walked to the drivers Seat closing the door with a loud slam which made Blaine's head fill with pain for a second. "I texted you parents and they are home, but you might need to help me with directions, I still haven't learnt the way perfectly"

"Okay" Blaine smiled at his Kurt again

Kurt started the car and started to drive back to Blaine's home, Which was an hour away from Lima.
They got to Blaine's house in record time, there was hardly any traffic.
Kurt helped the curly haired boy out the car and put his arm around his waist to support him a little.
They knocked on the brown wooden door and seconds later Blaine's every tall dark haired mother opened the door.

"Hi boys" she said opening the door wider

"Hi mom" blaine answered but Kurt just gave his mom a small smile before helping Blaine up the step to the door.

"Dad will be home soon so...Kurt you better go in a minute"

"Why?" Kurt looked confused. His boyfriend was just looking at the carpet floor "Blaine...honey, is there something your not telling me" he took Blaine's hand in his squeezing it a little

"No now Kurt please" Blaine's face made his heart brake it was pure sadness.

"Blaine" Kurt sighed and looked back at the woman with a pleading look.

"Sorry Kurt I can't, Iv have been instructed not to tell you anything. I keep my promises"

"Mom stop" Blaine snapped "please Kurt just go"

"Okay.....I love you"

"I love you too" Blaine said still not looking at Kurt because he already knew what his face would of looked like.

Kurt placed a kiss into Blaine's hair and let it linger a little before pulling away and walked out the door closing it quietly.

"Why mom, why did You have bring it up you could of just told I'm to go, ugh now he's gonna ask questions and I hate lying to why?"

"Sorry I don't know darling...why don't you tell him it won't Change anything, you fathers opinion isn't going scared him away"

"But what if it did, I-I I wouldn't know what to do, what would I do with out him."

"Blaine it's okay his not going anywhere, okay. But I do think you need to tell him sometime and it's not that much of a big deal anyway." Blaine just nodded and headed up the stairs

"Thanks mom....night"

"Night honey"

When he go to his bedroom his phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out of his Jean pants and saw it was from Kurt, he opened it

Hey just wanna say night hope you sleep well. Xx

Blaine didn't reply but smile a little at the text and got ready for bed.
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