Wednesday 19th April

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Kurt got home from school early Because he skipped glee club. (Which he rarely does.) he ran up the stairs to his room and through his bag on the floor. He needed to get ready to meet Blaine. Yesterday they arranged to meet at the Ohio state park for 4:00 AM. It's was 3:25 and Kurt was running late. He had to look perfect. everything had to be perfect.
He was now in his car, driving only slightly over the speed limit but it was 3:50 and Kurt did not what to be late. He didn't want to waste time that he could be with Blaine, driving

As he reached the car park he saw Blaine's shiny black ford parked in the
Corner in its usual place. He parked next to it and sent Blaine a quick text.

Hey I'm here. Iv parked next to your car. Are you near? X

Kurt waited for a second for the phone to buzz

Yeah I'm on a bench. Go down the path in font of the cars, take a left and you should see me. X

Kurt smiled at the text as he got out of the car and followed Blaine's directions. 
As he turned the corner he saw is boyfriend on the bench just like he said. He was wearing red jeans,white button up shirt and the yellow bow tie Kurt brought him for their 3 month anniversary after he complained about not having one every colour of the rainbow. Oh how that got annoying

As he approached the bench his boyfriend jumped up to give him and quick peck and a tight hug. he released Kurt from his embrace and they sat on the wooden bench.

"So why did we agree to meet here?" Kurt asked

"Well I thought we could just get out of the house for a know....get some fresh air and all that shit" he inhaled the air and exhaled with a loud sigh. Kurt laugher a little at how adorable his boyfriend was.

"What's that bag for?"

"I Thought we could have a picnic or something, we've never had one and I think it's a perfect day for it"

"Alright....okay then....we should find a place then"

They both got up a walked hand in hand down another path that lead to a small field with with a couple trees scattered around the place. They set up the mat under the biggest tree and they both say down with a loud sigh

"Wow this is nice being outside, your right"

"I'm always right" Kurt gave him his famous 'bitch please' face but couldn't hold it for long before his started to laugh, maybe a little too hard.

Blaine just sat there looking at his boyfriend literally crying with laughter, rolling around on the grass

"It really wasn't that funny"

"I know but....but" Kurt couldn't even finish his sentence before another wave of laughter took over his body.

"Sometimes I wonder why Im dating you"

Kurt suddenly sat up and stared at Blaine with a now deadly look. He was surprised how fast he could change his emotions and also kinda scared.

"Well that shut you up didn't it" Kurt just looked away and started to tare handfuls of grass out of the ground

"Hey kurt you know I was joking.....right?" Blaine said in a worried tone. Kurt started to tear up a  little, he tried to keep the tears back but failed when one rolled down his cheeks

"Hey hey babe.....I-I'm sorry I didn't mean it. Oh Kurt don't cry....p-please oh god I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Blaine said quickly taking Kurt into a tight hug. "I'm sorry Kurt I didn't mean it promise....oh god I'm so stupid " he whispered into ear as he rocked them both back and forward while rubbing Kurt's back softly. They sat there for a while just in each others arms still swaying gently. Blaine pulled back, one hand still on his boyfriend running up and down his bicep slowly and one wiped away a stray tear from his cheek

"I'm sorry Kurt"

"No it's okay I over reacted, I just didn't expect you to say that."

"I'm sorry......I-I'm stupid"

"No your perfect" Blaine knew that it wasn't true but he wasn't going to protest today not after what just happened.

"I love you" Blaine said before leaning in to kiss his boyfriend lips gently.

"What do you say we forget about the picnic, go back to yours snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie"

"Sounds perfect"
They where in Blaine's car on their way back to Kurt's. They decided to leave Kurt's car in the parking lot and he would go get it in the morning on his morning run. They where singing along to the radio hands linked on top of the hand brake in the middle of them. Blaine's other hand strumming on the wheel.
After the short drive Blaine got out of the car and run round to Kurt's side and opened the door offering him a hand to help him out. Kurt giggled a little as he took his hand getting out of Blaine's car

"Why thank you kinda sir" Kurt said in a British accent.

"My pleasure"

They both giggled as they walked up to the front door.
Soon after they where wrapped in blankets and covers in pillows watching tangled on the couch. They loved the time they spent together just being lazy all huddled up it a warm cocoon of cotton. Kurt's eye lids starter to get heavy nearing the end of the movie and he slowly fell asleep in his boyfriends arms where it felt the most like home.
I think that was a sweet ending.
I know my story's still aren't good but I'm trying to get better. Remember to message me any ideas!

thanks for reading I'll update soon. xxx

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