Friday 15th May

416 18 7

On Monday Blaine had told Kurt that he needed some time to think, reassuring him over and over again that It won't be long, 'a week at most' he promised before leaving the Hummel house.

They haven't spoken properly since he left, just a couple good night messages but other than that they were distant. It hurt Blaine knowing that Kurt was still being bullied and how much he was emotionally and physically abused by people at school but he still didn't understand why Kurt was just putting up with it, he'd been giving a million chances to be safe agin but his stubbornness was preventing anyone from helping him especially Blaine.

Message to:Kurt xx
Hi. Is it okay to come around after school so we can chat about things

Message from:Kurt xx
Of corse. glee's not on tonight so I'd be home around 4 depending on traffic.

Message to:Kurt xx
Thanks. I'll drop my school stuff at home first.

Message from:Kurt xx
Okay. Could you pick me up a chicken salad on the way (dad and carol are in Washington for the weekend and left this morning). X

The kiss at the end of Kurt's text has been the first one to be sent all week and it made him smile from ear to ear. And looking at the text Kurt was still himself.

Message to:Kurt xx
If corse I will. Don't want you to starve. See ya later X

Message from:Kurt xx
Thanks. See ya X

When Kurt got home from school he was both excited and anxious about Blaine coming over. Even though it had only been four days, he had felt lonely and lost not having Blaine to talk to or to reassure him over Skype that he was strong or hold him when he needed to cry or relax.

The knock at the door snapped Kurt into life again. He took in a deep breath before he got of the couch and towards the door.

"One chicken salad for one Kurt Elizabeth Hummel" Blaine said as Kurt opened the front door. Blaine stood on the door step, still in his dolton uniform holding up a plastic shopping bag.

"Your the best" Kurt sighed letting his boyfriend into the house and closing the door behind him. Blaine put the bag down on the floor and looked back up at Kurt.

"Come here". Blaine opened his arms wide, Kurt slowly made his way over and wrapped his arms around Blaine neck, letting Blaine's arms rap around his body.

"Iv missed you" Kurt said into Blaine's neck.

Blaine pulled away slightly so that he could see Kurt's face again. "Iv missed you too" whispered just before Kurt lips were pressed lightly against his own. Although the kiss was light he still felt the passion behind it. His arms wrapped around Kurt's back tighter when the taller boy moved his hand to thread into his hair in an attempt to deepen the kiss slightly.

Kurt pulled away sooner then Blaine wanted but he stayed close. "Can we eat now, I'm hungry"

"Of corse we can" Blaine giggled, kissing Kurt's cheek before moving to pick up the bag and moved to the family room.

"How much was the salad?" Kurt asked getting his wallet out of his school bag.

"Don't worry about it, it's on me"

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