Thursday 2nd May

552 15 6

"Morning boys" burt called from the kitchen as Finn, Kurt and Blaine walked down the stairs into the dinning room.

"Morning burt" Finn and Blaine called back.

"Morning dad" Kurt responded afterwards.

Blaine was in his dalton uniform. The whole family agreed that he was ready to go back.

"So Blaine, I'm gonna take you to school because Carol had a early shift at the hospital, I hope you don't mind"

"Not at all" Blaine said with a smile sitting down at the table between A tired looking Finn and his very awake boyfriend, grabbing his hand under the table.

"Carol made some pancakes before she went" burt said walking into the room with a full plate and syrup placing them in front of the boys. Finns face lit up at the sight of food diving in with his fork taking three.

"Hey!" Kurt said slapping his wrist wrist. "Leave some for us"

"It's fine, I'm not hungry anyways" Blaine stated.

"No sweetie your eating breakfast its this most important meal of the day."
Kurt said picking a pancake from Finn plate and dropping it on the plate In front of Blaine.

"No really I'm not hungry"

"At least eat one" Kurt said with pleading eyes. "I ain't letting you go to school with an empty stomach"

Blaine nodded knowing better than to argue with him.

"Thanks" Kurt leant over and kisses his cheek, then started cutting his own food. Blaine picked at his for a bit taking small bites every so often. "Blaine" he sighed looking over at the boy. "What's up?" he placed his hand on Blaine's leg rubbing it slightly.

"Nothing...just tired I guess"

"Okay....well I'm not leaving until you've you better hurry because I'm gonna be late".

Blaine sighed looking down at his plate. Kurt snatched the fork out of his hands scooping up a piece of the food placing it near the confused boys mouth. "What are you doing?"

"If your not gonna feed yourself then I'll have open up". Blaine did as he was told opening his mouth letting Kurt slide the folk past his lips. Soon the plate was empty. "see it wasn't that hard" Kurt said leaning in giving him a quick peck in the lips." You better be off soon mister or your gonna be later than me."

Kurt was in history class when his phone vibrated in his pocket. He quickly cheeked if the teacher wasn't looking and peered at the screen.

Kurt(old phone)
Im gonna be late back tonight, can you ask your dad to pick me up at 6:00 and if he can't then I'll just miss extra practice. Thanks xxx (sorry if your phone went off in class I can't remember when your lunch starts)

Blaine xx

Kurt smiled at the text looking around again making sure the teacher was still facing the bored and quickly typed back a message.

I'll ask him when I get home if he can't I'll tell you xxx btw I am in class so apology accepted.

Kurt xx

He put his phone back into his pocket and turned his attention back to the information on the bored.

"Hey dad....Blaine's got after school practice so could you pick him up at six please" Kurt said walking into the family room where his dad was watching a football game.

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