Monday 30th april

606 16 2

Blaine was in the spare room asleep. As soon as he was put on the bed he crashed, yesterday's events had worn him out. 

It's was 3:30 am when Blaine started to turn in his sleep making small moans of discomfort and mumbles of words "help", "stop", and "mom". His moans turned to cries of fear getting louder and louder with even intake of breath.
As the image of his dad pulling back his fist flashed though his mind. he woke with a scream covered in sweat and tears. The door opened to revile the hole of the Hummel-Hudson family. Kurt ran to his side of the bed grabbing his hand.

"It's was only a dream Blaine, only a dream"

The words flu though his mind, his head still fuzzed with fright. He snap out of this daze when he felt Kurt's hand squeeze lightly against his. He turned his wide eyes to their hands and then to his boyfriends worried face.

"It's was just a dream, okay? Your safe"

This time the words hit him hard making him fall into Kurt's arms letting out violent cries into his silk pyjamas
Kurt whispered comforting words into his ear rocking them slowly. The rest of the family slowly moved out the room closing the door silently making their way back to their rooms.

When Blaine cries slowed Kurt pulled away to stare into his eyes. "It's gonna be okay, Blaine I promise"

Blaine smiled a little at the words.
"Kurt..I-I-I'm sorry"

"For what Blaine?" He put his hands lightly on his shoulder rubbing it up and down his bicep.

"You waking you all up, It was rude and-and-"

"NO!" Kurt interrupted "it's fine, trust me they where just concerned. And I woke Because you needed me here with you"

"Okay" whispered his voice cracking slightly. "Umm...Kurt...could you stay with me?...I-I don't want to be alone"

Kurt's heart broke making his eyes fill with silent tears that overflowed gently down this cheeks. "Your never alone Blaine, you here me? Never" he said pulling his boyfriend back into his arms "And yes I'll stay with you,".Kurt remembered his dad's reaction to them together the other night. "Ummm....Im gonna tell dad tho I don't want to be grounded for any longer" he smiled a little "you can come with me if you want" Kurt said as he got off his knees and into his unsteady feet.

"It's fine, I'm not going anywhere"

"Okay" Kurt sighed and started to walk out the room keeping the door open so that Blaine could see him going down the hall to his dad's room. He speared Around the door into the room seeing his dad and carol sitting on the end of their bed talking, carol in tears and burt comforting her.

"Dad" he whispered and burt looked up slightly from carol.

"Yes, Kurt"

"Ummm, Blaine doesn't want to be alone, I can't leave him like this and I know it's against your rules but can I stay with him tonight please." Kurt begged

"Go ahead he needs you" burt sighted

"Thanks dad" with that he closed the door slowly and walked back to the spare room to see his boyfriend in the same place staring at him. "Move up" he said. Blaine shifted to the other end of the bed next to the wall. Kurt lifted the Duvet to laying next to the curly haired boy. As soon as he hit the mattress Blaine's head was in his chest hugging him close.



"Thank you"

Kurt lifted Blaine's head up towards him with his hand. He lent close catching his lips in a slow and loving kiss. The kiss was over quicker than they both wanted but their eyes lids where heavy, they pulled away looking at each other for a second before Blaine rested his head back on Kurt's chest snuggling as close as possible intertwining their legs. It wasn't long until both boys fell into a deep sleep.
Kurt slowly awoke when he heard his 6 o'clock alarm go off in his room. All of his limbs where tanged in Blaine, there was no way he could get up without waking the sleeping boy that was still huddled close to him

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