Friday 27th April

707 20 5

It's had been six days since kurt and Blaine had seen each other last, they both had mountains of home work and revision to do and nether of them had the time to travel over an hour to the others house but they Skyped and texted nearly everyday which kept them just about sane.

Kurt was just started his English homework when his phone buzzed.

To Kurt
Hey! X

Kurt abandoned his books because this was more important.

To Blaine
Hey, what's up

To Kurt
Just seeing how your are that's all, well really I'm going out of my mind with so much work and not having you around to distract me.

To Blaine
I'm fine btw but Trust me I'm going insane too, this English homework is so confusing and this might sound selfish and all but I miss your help.
But maybe it's a good thing I'm not there to distract you bcoz we both know how that turns out. ;) x

To Kurt
That's it I'm coming to you, I'll bring my work and you can get on with your and I can help.

To Blaine
You don't need to babe, I'll be fine.

To Kurt
No I'm already packing my stuff. I'll be there in an hour.
Kurt opened the door to see his boyfriend. He had un gelled hair and lounging clothes on. They ran into each other engulfing in a tight hug.

"I missed you" Blaine whispered into Kurt's ear. Kurt hummed in response, to happy to speak. But soon they pulled apart but still too early then they wanted.

"Right let get to work then" Kurt said overly upbeat for the situation. He grabbed Blaine's hand and they walked down the stairs to his room.

Blaine was laying on Kurt's bed horizontally with his computer out, Kurt head resting his head on Blaine's back reading his English book. Even tho Blaine had explained the questions multiple time he still didn't understands fully, Kurt really struggled in some subjects because of his dyslexia. which included English, maths and science. English was is real weak point though. 

Kurt sighed pretty loudly by accident trying figure out the question. The sigh court Blaine's attention but he wanted Kurt to ask him for help before he did Because he didn't want him to feel bad.

"I give up" Kurt shouted throwing his books and paper on the ground and rolling over so his face was covered by his duvet.

"Hey, hey!, Kurt" Blaine closed his computer. He got up and collected the scattered work paper and books for around the room. He set at the end of the bed nudging Kurt's legs. "Hey Kurt could you sit up?" Kurt turned around and got up with a even louder sigh. "Right, so what question are you on?"

"Ten" Kurt mumbled

"Right so all you need to do is identify five different techniques that the author uses" 

" I can read" Kurt snapped

"I know, I know sorry. It's just better sometimes if someone reads the question out loud"

"I know sorry I'm just stressed" Kurt flung his hands in the air and crashed back down onto the bed.

"Get up." Kurt follows his demand
"If you do this question we will have a brake okay?"


"So, name me five then."

"Right ummmm....I'm pretty sure there's a simile somewhere" Blaine scanned the page and nodded.
"There's a metaphor" Blaine nodded once again. "He used a list, alliteration and-and oh I don't know" he flung is hands in the air again.

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