Wednesday 6th May

422 17 0

Blaine woke up with a smile on his face.  In his whole life he has never felt as happy as he does right now, mainly Because he hasn't got his father to worry about. He had felt so relaxed not having to hide his life from anyone and not having to worry about being beaten or shouted at.

Today he was going back to dalton, after a long argument with his care workers. He hadn't seen the warblers for what felt like years and was missing them a lot and kinda missing the uniform.

He swung his legs out of bed feeling instantly awake, sending Kurt a morning text and getting changed. He had to go up earlier then the rest of the children Because of dalton being out of town. But soon the house was full of noisy children once again.

As Blaine walked into warblers practice and Chorus of cheers rang through the room

"BLAINE" wes shouted jumping off a couch attacking Blaine with a bear hug. "How you doing bud"

"Going good" he replied "how about you"

"The same...but the warblers maybe not, we've been going mad without our main man, we have no ideas and all our arrangements suck balls"

"I don't help arrangements" Blaine replayed giving the boy a confused look

"Yeah,I know but your voice makes it sound so much better"

"Glad to hear I was what about that's new Katy Perry song?"

And million sighs left people mouths "oh we've missed you Blaine, we really have"

"So how's Blaine doing?" Rachel asked Kurt while walking to their next lesson

"He doing fine, I saw him yesterday for a little bit, he seemed okay"

"That's you gonna see him tonight?"

"I can't my aunt is over for the rest of the week so my dad wants my to stay at home but we are arranging for him to come for Friday's night dinner and maybe to sleepover but we need to talk to the care workers"

"There's always Skype...but remember you need to Skype me as well we need to practice our Duet from glee club"

"Yeah what about tonight at seven"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure I have nothing going on"


Sorry this is such a shit chapter. I haven't been in a creative mood lately but i have some good ideas in store but it's the bits in between that's are killing me but I'll get there

Thanks for reading. Xxx

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