Saturday 21st April part 2

651 17 15

Blaine was laying on Kurt's bed snuggled close to his boyfriend. Kurt was on his side resting his head on Blaine's shoulder and the curly haired boy was laying on his back, his hand rubbing circles on Kurt's arm. They had been in a comfortable for a while. Until Kurt broke it.

"What you thinking about?" he whispered

"Just stuff"

"What stuff?"

"You know the normal work, random shit, me and you... All the stuff."


"Kurt" he replayed still looking at ceiling

" know the things you wanted to talk about?"

"Yeah" he sighed

" you want to come tomorrow and we can talk about it....I mean you don't have to, I was just thinking if you-"

"No" Blaine interrupted "I want to talk about it now, get it done with."

"Okay, are they Sure"

"Yeah definitely"

"Okay, when your ready"

"Right so......umm, so as you know my dad if not too keen on my Well he's really not too keen on....shit...umm, it's not keen, like really not he says some really horrible stuff and it kills me"

"Well....can't you blame him really, he's just found out his son is gay and now he suddenly has a boyfriend, which would probably be make it real for him...I mean he's still a prick and all but he don't scare me Iv had worse then a couple nasty comments behind my back."

"Okay...your the best"

"I know" Kurt said with a big grin. "How about we talk about something more happy"

"Kurt, Blaine" Carole shouted from upstairs.

"Yeah" they shouted back in unison

"What do you want for dinner, that's If Blaine's staying."

Blaine looked over at Kurt "Ummm yeah I'll stay" they both smiled at each other Because that meant more time together and he didn't have to go home to his family just jet.

"And we'll have what ever is easiest to cook"


Blaine cuddled Kurt in closer giving him a quick peck. Kurt gave Blaine a confused face, which turned Blaine smile into a slight confusion as well

"What?....did I do something wrong?" Blacken questioned

"No, not at all....I was just thinking"

"That's one strange thinking face" Blaine studied his boyfriends face a little longer "tell me what up"

"No it's fine....its it's okay"

"Kurt?" Blaine face turned slightly sad.

"Blaine it's's just" he moved a piece of un gelled hair from Blaine's forehead. "How did you get these cuts on your head, there not from yesterday, I remember where they are" Blaine's face dropped and turn suddenly so Kurt couldn't see him and replaced his hair.
"Blaine?.....who did it?...was it your, dad?"

Blaine exploded into a fit of tears covering his face with a pillow. Kurt face dropped more and also turned to anger and concern, all the emotions where flowing though his like lightning.
But he only acted on one. His put hand on Blaine's back,trailing small shapes, his eyes over flowed into silent tears that run down and landed on his boyfriends shoulder.

Blaine cries started to turn into gentle sobs and soon he was nearly silent with just a couple of sniffs and sharp breaths
Kurt's tears where still silent but the flow was every heavy. Blaine turned his face to Kurt's he needed to be reassured but seeing Kurt's tear made him brake again but he fought the tears and gabbed the broken man in front of him  and brought their lips smashing together their tears mixing together as their lip intertwined. Kurt cries turned into loud sobs which made blaine tears come quickly again but never braking the kiss until they needed air.

"Kurt?" Blaine cried "why are you crying?"

"Watching you like this it brakes me in two.....h-h-how long has he Been doing this to you Blaine I need to know"

"This was the first in a long time"

"So he's done it before! Oh my god blaine why the hell didn't you tell me?"

Because...because,oh I don't know I was just worried."

"Blaine" Kurt sighed "if he does it again you came straight here okay"

Blaine nodded "I promise"
Thanks reading I'm still trying to improve. If you have any ideas for storylines then please comment or message me.

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