Friday 8th May (part two)

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Kurt had been silent since they'd gone back to his room and got ready for bed. Both boys were laying under the cover still awake but in utter silence, until blaine broke it. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"There's nothing to talk about" Kurt mumbled turning away from is boyfriend.

"Then tell me what your thinking" Blaine said putting an arm over Kurt's chest holding him close.

"He's right" Kurt stated quietly

"About what?"

"Everything...I'm dumb, and just plain stupid..I mess up all the time, I look like a ghost, my body is flabby and week...I-I mean what the point of living anymore, no one loves one will miss me..its probably the best for everyo-" it took him a couple second to realise that Blaine's lips where against his, pressing hard like he was trying to make a point that he was there. Kurt kissed back after the shock, wrapping his arms around this boys neck. He felt a warm tear fall between there faces not knowing who it was from but after a couple more seconds he was sure it was From Blaine because a couple whimpers escaped his lips between kisses. Blaine pulled away, falling on top of his boyfriend crying violently in to his neck holding him tight.

"Don't-dont leave me...I-I need you, and I l-love you..pleaseee,KURT! Please..I need you" he sobbed while Kurt was desperately trying to shush him.

"I'm not going anywhere..Blaine..I'm sorry..I promise I'm not leaving" Kurt reassured. "I got Carried away, I'm sorry"

After a while the sobs and cries died down and his breaths started to level, telling Kurt that Blaine had fallen Asleep.

"I love you too"
I know this wasn't a very long one but it's something.

I might skip to the Christmas stuff after this chapter and miss a couple months. But let me know what you want to do because this story is for you
Guys. So if you want me to just carry on or skip to Christmas then just say Xx

Thanks for reading xxx

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