Monday 5th May (part one)

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"Wait I though you were going this morning?" Kurt asked with a confused face, looking at his boyfriend.

"I was but then burt said he talk to her before we went asking if I could arrive a six instead" Blaine replied getting out of bed. "But I still get the day of off and you've got to go to school ha ha ha ha" he teased

Kurt gave him a unimpressed look but it didn't stay long before turning into a fond smile. "I'll see you later then" he lent in giving Blaine a short but sweet kiss before jogging out the room "have fun being bored" he called before going out the door.
"Hey Kurt!" Rachel said linking her arm though his.

" look happy today...any reason why?" He said still looking ahead.

"Well...FINNS GONNA TAKE ME OUT ON A DATE" she said jumping slightly

"Wow I didn't think he was that type"

"I know I didn't ether but he asked me like ten second ago...wait maybe we can make it a double date you bring Blaine along it would be a laugh"

"Sorry Blaine's moving into that care home I told you about"

"Oh okay..well some other time then...right I'm off Iv got physics and if I'm late for mr plad again he might kill me" with that she was off in the other direction slightly skipping. Kurt smiled to himself turning into his English class.
"Thanks you Santana" mr Shue said after another one of her rants.

"Sorry I keep going to my angry place" he apologised sitting back down on her chair.

"Right..okay...we're over run so you guys better go home."

Kurt looked at his phone seeing it was Nearly 6. He jumped up running out of the room and to his car turning the engine on straight away
"Come on Kurt" Blaine mumbled to himself while pacing the dining room floor

"Right we need to go now you'll have to phone Kurt when you get there" burt said picking his car keys up and walking to the front door but got stopped but the door flinging open to revealing Kurt running though into the dinning room.

"About time" Blaine said taking him into his arms.

"I'm sorry Santana went off on one and I lost track of the time." He replying pulling back from the embrace.

"Well I'm glad your here..better late then never" he giggled leaning into a slow, loving kiss. Kurt rested his arms on Blaine's shoulders twisting the unglued hair though his fingers. The moment got cut short by a angry burt.


"Okay I'll let him go in a second I just need one last cuddled" Kurt said squeezing his boyfriend close, leaving no space between them. "Be good
Babe...try not to kill people with your unholy charm..and if anyone goes near you to harm you or to molest you I'll be over in a heart beat to show them who's boss and that your a hundred per cent taken."

"Will do" he smiled back giving the taller boy a quick peck before untangling him and waving as he walked out the door"

" ready boy?" Burt asked him patting him gently on the back

"Ready as I'll never be"
Sorry it's a short one but there will be a part two hopefully soon. Thanks for reading xx

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