Saturday 28th April

610 16 8

It's was 2 o'clock in the morning when Kurt woke up again. Blaine was sleeping over tonight on the coach Because they ended their work late and burt wouldn't let Blaine drive home tired. Kurt had woken up multiple time during the night and he didn't know why. It could of been the sugar overload or the excitement of seen Blaine in the morning. He reached for his phone on the wooden desk beside him bed and scrolled down to Blaine's messages. 'Maybe Blaine's having the same problem' he thought to himself.

To Blaine
You awake?

Blaine took a little while to start replying which didn't surprise Kurt at all.

To Kurt
I am now. Are you okay?

To Blaine
Sorry for waking you up babe. I just can't sleep but feel free to go back to sleep.

To Kurt
Come upstairs and give me a cuddle for a bit.

Kurt smiled at his phone. He put his phone on charge again and walked slowly up the stairs to the living room trying not to make too much noise.
He turned the corner to see his boyfriend snuggled in blankets and pillows.

"Hey" kept whispered as he approached the coach.

"Hey beautiful" Blaine whispered back moving a bit to make room for Kurt lifting the white blanket up to let him in. Kurt huddled close to Blaine chest.

"How come you can sleep?"  

"I Donno really" Kurt giggled "my eyes wont shut for more then an hour and then BAM wide awake again" Kurt raised his voice a little too loud.

"Shhhhhhhhh" Someone will hear."!But It was too late, they Heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs towards them.

"Boys what's did I say about staying in your rooms." Burt looked disappointed.
"What's the point of putting you in here if you just gonna tempt my son back. You have abused my trust in you Blaine I thought you understood my rules but you still seem to brake them every time your here.

"I'm sorry sir, Kurt couldn't get to sleep so i though it would help. "Blaine says his eyes looking at the floor.

"No dad it's my fault I woke him up by texting him dont Blame him" Kurt admitted

"Both of you made the mistake.....Kurt your grounds for 2 weeks and blaine your not aloud here until you respect my rules. In the morning your going straight after breakfast. Both of the boys nodded not wanting anymore trouble "Kurt get back to bed and i want your computer and phone in the morning okay? It's band for the weekend."

Kurt got out from under the covers giving Blaine's hand a quick squeeze and mouthed sorry to him before walking out the room, his dad not far
behind him.

"If Blaine was smart he wouldn't show his face around here for a while" Burt told his son. Kurt nodded and went back to bed grabbing his phone straight away see a messages from Blaine had already popped up.

To Kurt
Are you okay?

To Blaine
Yeah just kinda sad.

To Kurt
Why? X

To Blaine
I won't be seeing you for a while and i feel bad.

To Kurt
We'll fine a way. And please don't feel bad I suggested you come upstairs remember.

To Blaine
True. :) you better get some sleep mister you looked tired when i went up X night gorgeous!! see you in the morning.

To Kurt
Night Kurt :) xxx
Kurt's morning alarm rang reminding him to start his morning moisturise.
Kurt was a morning person unlike Blaine. He always seemed to have energy in the mornings which was a mystery to all his family and friends.
He got up from his bed slipping his blue slippers on which where on by the side of his bed and walked to his bathroom getting everything ready around the sink. He was nearing the end of his session putting his face dry with a dark blue towel when he saw a dark figure in the mirror. The figure had black curly hair sprouting out everywhere. He was standing smiling at him though the reflection in the mirror.

"If my dad finds you down here your dead you know."

Blaine walked closer into the bathroom towards Kurt, wrapping his arms around his waist, Kissing his neck "I'll say I'm getting some of my revision books" he mumbled into Kurt's neck and then continued Nibbling the skin

"Ummm" Kurt couldn't think straight anymore and all his words turned into muffled moans into Blaine's hair. "Blaine" Kurt breathed "Blaine stop my dad will come down when he doesn't see you in the living room." Blaine just hummed and carried on his open kisses on Kurt's neck moving slowly up to his jaw Line.

"You know you could just kiss me without the doing the whole show."

"But that would be no fun." Blaine smiled as his lips draw nearer to Kurt's mouth teasing but gave in after Kurt grabbed his ass, pressing their lips together in a hungry kiss which slowly turned slower and more loving after their mouths got tired.

"I'm gonna miss you" Kurt sighed recovering from the kiss. Blaine brought Kurt into a hug rubbing his back and kissing his shoulder a bit.

"It's not for too long Kurt we can survive this." Kurt reassured him. Pulling him closer.

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