Saturday 16th May (part 3)

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A waiting room is not the place Blaine was expecting to be in. He hated them. The loud cries  of pain or sorrow were sickening for him but it was Kurt he was waiting for which made him shake in fear.

Burt and carol were calmly waiting beside him. A bit too calm for Blaine liking.

"He's going to be fine Blaine, don't worry" carol reassured placing a gentle hand on his shaking knee.

"How are you so calm about this?...I-I mean Kurt is in hospital with a HEAD injury"

"Do you know how many times me and burt have sat in this exact waiting room for Kurt with a head injury?..yeah the effect kinda wears off after while". Carol smiled before giving his leg a quick squeeze just as the doctor walked out of the room. "Let me guess.. concussion?".

"You got that right Mrs Hummel-Hudson" the doctor replied with a slight smile. "I was just a small bang to the head but because of the amount he's had before he is more prone to you already know Mrs"

" I'm supposing he can go home and it's just the normal stuff, right?" Burt asked.

"we would like to keep him in over night to make sure, but after that he's free to can go see him now, he's just woken up". The doctor said before walking down to hall to Kurt's ward and opening the door for them.

"Hey" Kurt sighed as they draw back the hospital curtains.

"Hi sweetie, how are you doing?" Carol gently said taking a seat on the left side of Kurt's bed.

"My head kills". Carol sighed and took Kurt's hand to comfort him.

"I know honey, I know".

Kurt looked up to see his dad and boyfriend standing at the end of the bed, he gave them a little smile which they both gave one back instantly.

"You need to stop hitting your head kiddo or your gonna get brain damage" burt pointed out taking the other seat on the right side of Kurt's bed leaving Blaine standing on his own.

"I know dad"

Kurt looked up and court his eyes with Blaine's quickly before turning back to his dad. Burt quickly noticed the slight awkwardness of the boys being so far away for each other and quickly moved from his seat, gesturing to Blaine for him to sit, which he did and reached for Kurt's hand as soon as he sat.

"You should really rest Kurt, it will help your head" carol suggested.

"I'm not tired at the moment, but I am kinda hungry though".

"Okay me and burt will go down to the cafe and get you something" carol said standing from her seat signifying to burt before disappearing through the curtains, moments later burt had also gone leaving the boys on their own.

"Hi" Kurt said his voice only just above a whisper.

"Hey" Blaine replied with a smile, taking Kurt's hand in his own. "Carol told me that you've had concussions before". Kurt replied with a small nod. "How many?"

"A couple..about..five or six"

"WHAT!" Blaine shouted in shock, making Kurt wince slightly "how the hell have you had six concussions?"

"When you have one its-"

"I know that but how?"

"Mostly from school".

"Why didn't you tell me!"

"I didn't know you then"

"You still could of told me so I could make sure that your safe"

"I can take care of myself Blaine!..I don't need you to protect me". Kurt stated, getting a little frustrated with his boyfriend.

"But that's my job-"

"-No it isn't..your job is to love me not protect me". Kurt looked down from Blaine to the tiled flooring next to the bed. "I'm tired"

"But you just said your not"

"Things change Blaine!"

"Why do I sense a different meaning to that?". Blaine said as Kurt rolled his eyes and turned away from him.


"Night..I love you"

"I love you too..just let me sleep". Kurt kept hold of Blaine's hand as he drifted off in to a deep sleep.

"Blaine you can go home if you want, he will be here in the morning" carol said, gently placing her hand on the smaller boys shoulder.

"I think I might stay here for a little longer."

"Okay". Carol looked down at him and then gave him a kiss on the head. "I'm gonna go find the toilet..just wake burt up if you need anything." She said nodding towards the sleeping man on the coach in the corner of the room.

"Will do"

He watched as she walked out of the hospital room. Then his eyes set on a clip bored at the end of Kurt's bed. He checked around for any nurses or doctors before taking it.

'For staff use only' was printed in large red letters on the front page. But that still didn't stop Blaine. He opened it to the first page witch displayed Kurt's personal information.

Preferred Name:kurt Elizabeth Hummel

Legal name: Kersti Diana Hummel

Parents: burt Richard Hummel - Elizabeth May Hummel

Born: June 3ed 1999 - Lima Ohio state hospital.

Blaine's faces was overcome by confusion "Kersti Diana Hummel?" He mumbled quietly.

"BLAINE you shouldn't be looking at that!" Carols said running in and snatching it from his grip. "Did you not read the front?"

"Sorry...w-why does it says that Kurt's real name is Kersti?"

Carols face shrank into an expressionless mess. "Burt!" Should said walking over to where he was napping. "BURT!" She repeated loudly waking him up as well as Kurt.
"Kurt Hun go back to sleep".

"What's happening?" Kurt asked looking around at the room.

"Nothing is happenin-"

"Kurt why is your legal name Kersti?" Blaine interrupted quickly reserving three deadly stares.

"W-what?" Kurt stuttered before his body got over taken by sobs

"Blaine I think you should go" burt said calmly, making his way to Kurt.

"No, I deserve to know what's going on. He's MY boyfriend."

Burt went to snap back but Kurt's hands covered his mouth before he could. "Dad it's okay..I'm ready". Kurt wiped away a couple tears before looking Blaine straight in the eyes.

"I'm transgender" 

So this is the last chapter of this book but I will be making a second that's carries on from this one. I should start to update in 3-4 weeks maybe. I'm currently doing GCSE's so I'll start after Iv done them all. The book will be called "unexpected discoveries" I think so look out for it.

Thank for reading. Xxx

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