Saturday 16th May (part 2)

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IMPORTANT: I didn't know how to put this into the story so I'm just gonna explain it here. So Blaine's is a liberal Christian. I feel like I needed to put this in because I am also a Christian and not completely straight so I'm kinda basing this on my views on god and shit. Okay enjoy the chapter X

"Blaine..?" Kurt said shuffling himself closer to his boyfriend and moved their still tightly wrapped legs into a more comfortable position.


"What are your views on marriage?". Blush spread across Kurt's face turning his face into a bright shade of red.

"What do you mean by 'my views'?" Blaine questioned turning his head to face Kurt's.

"Just your-....umm I-"

"Do I think it's valuable?" Blaine asked, receiving a quick nod from his boyfriend. "Yeah, I think it's valuable, I think it's a perfect way to express the way you feel towards someone you love, because it's promising to love them forever and that they can trust you with everything. I think it's a beautiful thing and a meaningful thing."

"Do you want to get married?" Kurt asked hesitantly.

"When I'm older yeah..I mean it's not on the top of my bucket list but I would like to be able to call someone my husband..I'm hoping that someone would be you-but only if you wanted to because I know how you feel about som-"

"Blaine..I would love to get married someday too, all though I know that there will be fights about the location and what is said but I know as long as I'm married to someone I love then I don't care what godly shit is said" Kurt's turned his head to rest it on Blaine shoulder.

"So you won't get annoyed if I suggested my childhood church?" Blaine asked, genuinely interested.

"I didn't say I wouldn't get annoyed but I would just have to deal with your crazy Christian side..which I still don't understand at all". Kurt lifted his head to rest it on his hand so he could look at his boyfriend more clearly.

"I believe in a God that loves me for who I am and loves you for who you are, he kinda has to because we are made in his image-"

"So gods gay?"

Blaine bursted into a fit of laughter, rolling away from Kurt's confused glare. tears starting to stream out of his eyes and onto his face. Kurt sat quietly waiting for his ridiculous boyfriend to come down from his high. "N-no he's not gay, my love" Blaine let out one more little giggle before pulling himself together.
"No it means that he made us with a image in when you plan a new outfit"

"So he made us gay and then made the he's a bit of a dick ain't he" Kurt stated

"Kurt!" Blaine warned looking into his eyes. "You know I don't like it when you say things like that."


"It's okay" he leaned in to give Kurt a quick kiss "Yes he made the us gay but he didn't make anyone hateful, it is their own choice to look at us the way they do it wasn't gods fault..its called free will" Blaine explained looking at his and Kurt's still joint hands.

Kurt gently squeezed Blaine's hand coursing him to look up into eyes. "I may not understand the way you feel about religion and God but I'm always willing to listen to you and to learn more about it because it's apart of you and I want to know every little detail of that beautiful, gorgeous mind if yours"

Blaine gave Kurt a little smile before leaning in for another quick kiss. "I was planning to travel down to my old church you want to accompany me?" Blaine asked with a hopeful smile. 

"I'm not sure"

"Come on it will be fun!"

"Church and fun should never be used in the same sentence..also gays and church don't mix to well. their all gonna start throwing holy water at me."

"Iv never got holy water thrown at me" Blaine joked

"Do they know your gay though?"

" but they will if me and you walk in holding hands" Blaine shot Kurt a pleading look knowing that kurt will have to give in to him at some point.

"I hate you" Kurt sighed

"Ill take that as a yes?" Blaine questioned.

"Take it as a maybe". Kurt gave Blaine a quick smile but it faded fast when he looked over Blaine's arms and spotted zack walking towards them. Blaine quickly notices Kurt's expression change giving his hand a encouraging squeeze before turning his body.

"Hi zack"

"Hey do realise that your not gonna win if you lay here all afternoon"

"We don't have a choice, we are stuck". He lifted up their joins legs to prove his point.

"Just rip the tape off" zack said moving to their legs to try and help.

"we tried that but it's too-" Blaine stopped as he felt his leg realise from the right wrap. "How the hell did you do that?"

"Magic" zack joked before holding out his hand to help Blaine up.

"I liked having an excuse to be close to you" Kurt said wrapping his arm around his boyfriends chest.

"Just stop this". Zack moved to grab Blaine's arms the yank him up to his feet away from Kurt's embrace "this is not right and it makes me sick!" Kurt held out a hand for Blaine to help him up, which Blaine took but Kurt didn't get all the way up before their hands were forcefully separated causing Kurt to fall back down, hitting his head hard on the ground. Blaine tried to see if he was okay but zack wouldn't let him.

"GET OF ME!" Blaine screamed yanking his arm out of the tight grip but also getting the attention of a couple leaders

Blaine rushed to Kurt's side as a couple leaders came running to them. "What happened?" Sarah questioned moving to the other side of Kurt, who was still laying on the ground.

"H-he fell..a-and I think he hit his head". Blaine moved his hand to thread it though Kurt's now messed up hair, gently stroking his head.

Sarah started to try and talk to Kurt and ask questions but he stayed quiet, wincing and moaning from the pain shooting through his head.

"Okay..if Blaine holds your hand can you squeeze it for me" Sarah said moving Kurt's hand to Blaine's free one.

Blaine took the hand tightly in his own grasp waiting for Kurt's response but nothing came. Blaine planted a quick kiss onto kurt's hand before bringing their joint hands to his heart.

"Please..Kurt could you squeeze my hand" he pleaded and not soon after he felt a week but noticeable movement in his boyfriends hand. He looked over to the leaders and nodded.

"Okay Kurt..your doing great. An ambulance is one its way. Do you want us to move you to the couch or stay here.

"Stay" Kurt whispered, wincing ones again at his own voice.


Again with the shitty uploads I'm sorry :( I have no excuse but laziness. Their will be a part 3 because I thought it would be better to get something up sooner. I'm not took sure about this chapter but it's something.

Thanks for reading xx

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