Sunday 10th May

440 19 13

"You know, I haven't had a proper picnic since I was 12" Blaine said as him and Kurt were placing a blanket under a tree.

"Really?..i don't know why I love them so much. It's so relaxing and peaceful and there's never anyone here" Kurt said looking at around at the empty field. "I sometimes come here by my self, to you know, recollect thoughts and shit"

"I had a place like that at my house-well my old house, it was behind the bike sheds in the village park. It wasn't as peaceful as this but my parents didn't know about it so it was safe"

"I had a different hiding place nearer to home when I was dad showed me after mum died so that I can have alone time" Kurt said as he began putting food out across the blanket. "Right enough of the depressing stuff and lets eat this food that I kindly prepared while your were sleeping in"
Kurt pretends to be annoyed.

"I was tired"

"I know I know..ham or Salami?". Blaine gave him a confused looked. "Sandwiches?"

"Oh ummm salami" he Said taking the sandwich with the letter 's' on the tin foil packaging.

"Thought so". Kurt took out a bowl of salad and a folk. "I chose the healthy option..don't want to ruin my face"

"Your face is beautiful sweetie"

"Yeah I know and I'm trying to keep it that way"

They sat in silence while they ate, every so often glancing at each other. Sometimes one would catch the other in the act and they would both blush a little and turn away. These where the moments that as a couple they treasured the most, just sitting enjoying each others company, even though they aren't touching it still feels intermit in its own special way that only they could understand.

Once they had finished their sandwich or salad they put all the left over foil back into the picnic bag.

"I brought cookies of you want one" Blaine asked reaching into his back pack and pulling out a packet of chocolate chip cookies.

"No thanks, like I said before. I'm trying to keep this fact in mint condition" Kurt said pointing to his face.

"Come on. Let yourself go. It's one cookie."

"No. One cookie could equal a hundred spots"

Blaine laughed a little at him and took one of the brown cookies out of the Packets and swing in front of his boyfriend face. "I know you want it"

"If You don't get that acne bomb away from my face in five second Blaine Anderson, I will brake up with you"

"I'd like to see you try" Blaine said second before throwing the cookie Straight at Kurt's face, Hitting his forehead.

"Oh you did not". Blaine got up and started running away as Kurt started to move. Soon they where both laughing as Kurt was trying to get hold of Blaine. But he was too god damn face. Even though Kurt had longer legs, Blaine used to be on the cross country team at dalton so there was no way he was getting tired any time soon. But with perfect timing Blaine tripped up slightly giving Kurt a chance to grab him and pull him to the floor. He pinned his arms down and straddled his hips. Blaine struggled under the weight and after a couple seconds then gave up.

"Have I told you how nice you look today" Blaine said trying to stop the situation.

"Ha ha very funny...guess what else is funny, your now single"

"Oh okay know wes is pretty hot" Blaine smile up at Kurt but Kurt just gave him a solid serious face which Blaine still knew was forced. "Or maybe I'll could try for Rachel again, I mean she looked pretty into it" he could start to see a little smirk forming on his boyfriend face but Kurt worked hard to push it away. "She's probably the second best person Iv ever kissed."

"Who's the first?" Kurt questioned.

"The poster of zack effron I have on my wall". Blaine smile up again seeing the smirk return to Kurt face.

"I hate you"

"Love you too". Kurt let the smile spread across his face as lent down so that his lips were inches away from his boyfriends'. His tongue darted out to moisten his lips but to also slightly touch Blaine lips with it. He heard Blaine whine a little and when he tried to lean up to kiss him he move back.
"Come on can't do this to me"

Kurt lent back down to his original place "who says I can't". He blew lightly in Blaine's lips but before he could move back Blaine had got him in a strong kiss. Kurt was so surprised that he let go off Blaine's hands giving him the chance to flip them over so that he was on top of Kurt. He detached their lips and smiled smugly down at his boyfriend. "Okay" Kurt started, out of breath for the kiss.


"Sorry Blaine for being mean"

"Not good enough" Blaine stated looking down at his boyfriends annoyed face.

"I'm sorry for being mean to you, I love you very much and I regret everything."


"But I still hate you for saying I'm Third on your kiss list"

"Who said your third"


I know I say this every time but Sorry I haven't uploaded in SOOO long. Iv been revising for mocks for the last couple weeks and haven't had to time or the brain power to write.

Also If any of my readers are from America could you please tell me how test grades work and
What they mean. And when school vacations happen. This is for future storylines and stuff.
(I live in England so I don't know this shit) X

Thanks for reading xx

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