Monday 5th May (part two)

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"Hi Blaine, nice to see you again" the care worker said as they stepped into the office.


"So we have your room sorted, feel free to move things around...but first I need to write down some information about you and tell you some of the rules" Blaine and burt sat down at the desk. " attend dalton privet school?"

"That's right"

"I can't afford the exhspnce of the school so dolton will have to compromise or you will have to leave".

"Okay" he sighed

"If you are In a relationship you have to stay in the living room, the TV room or the games room....this is one of our top rules so don't abuse it please."

"I promise"

"Make sure your in your rooms at ten pm and try get to sleep by eleven...I think that's the basic I'll show you to your room"
"I'll leave you to settle in, just call if you need anything"

"Thanks" he said as she closed the door.

He sat on the bed staring at the room. He noticed a familiar frame lying on the floor in the corner off the room. He pushed himself off the bed and walked to it picking it up. The glass was broken and inside was his favourite picture off him and Kurt, he gazed at the picture before walking over too the desk putting it gently onto the wood making sure to not brake it anymore.
His phone vibrated in his pocket snapping him out of his daydream.

Kurt x
Hey babe, how you doing? X

I'm okay, just trying to take it all in. It's kinda a bit intimidating and different.

Kurt X
Met anyone yet?

No, I saw a couple little children on the way to my room but I haven't spoken to any.

Kurt X
Well I'm coming tomorrow to 'talk' if you know what I mean.

Yay. Well I don't think we can 'talk' though.

Kurt X
Why's that?

We are not aloud to be alone together it is one of the rules. We are aloud in the games room, the TV room and the quite room.

Kurt X
Well that's shit.

Yep absolute shit

Kurt X
I don't think I will be able to keep
Me hands off you though. I mean it's gonna be painful.

Same for me, but I'd rather not get kicked out on the second day tbh

Kurt X
Oh okay I'll try I guess but don't blame me if I fail.

Looking forward to seeing you X

Kurt X
Same here.
I know this was short but Im very busy at the moment and for the next 3 weeks. I'm gonna try and update as much as I can. Hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading.

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