Saturday 16th May (part 1)

438 15 4

Text from:Blaine xx
Hey. We're having a games afternoon today some people are bringing friends. U wanna come? X

Text to:Blaine xx
I have a couple sheets of homework to do. what time is it.

Text from:Blaine xx
About 1:00 ish but it's okay if you have plans.

Text to:Blaine xx
I should have them done by then. I'll see you later then. Xx

Text from:Blaine xx
Yayyyy can't wait. It's apparently gonna be really fun. See ya xxxxx

"Blaine get off your phone!" One of the older workers said, trying to get the little kids to quite down.

"Sorry Sarah, I have someone coming over later as well" Blaine said with a smile growing across his face.

"Great! The more the merrier". She smiled back at him before focusing her attention on the whole group. "Right so this morning is going to be making the activities for this afternoon but first we need to get some ideas, so fire away"

Lots of little hands sprung up seconds later. "Sarah can we do a race!?" One of the smallest boys shouted trying to get her attention.

"Good idea joe, but maybe we could do a piggy back race to make it more fun"

They all agreed and she wrote it down and picked another air born hand.

"Can we do the pocky game?" One of the older teenagers asked with a cheeky grin.

"Whats that?"

"Well two people have one pocky, which is a chocolate biscuit and they have to eat each side and meet in the middle and who ever gets the last bit wins..but only couples would do it Because I'm not kissing anyone else but Lizzie". He grabbed the girls hand who was sitting next to him giving her a smile before looking back at Sarah.

"I don't think that's appropriate for the little ones, zack but maybe if there's time at the end, when the little ones are in bed. But I don't think that their is enough couples to do it."

"We only need two at least and there's me a Lizzie and Katie is bringing her anyone else bringing their girlfriend or boyfriend?"

Blaine put his hand up.

"Oh I didn't know you have a girlfriend".

Blaine was going to correct him but didn't, wanting to see their faces when he walks in holding Kurt's hand.

Blaine met Kurt in the carpark outside the front gates giving him a quick hug before leading the way to the door.

"So what activities am i doing?" Kurt asked swinging their joint hands between them.

"There's races, bouncy castles, craft stuff and just a couple random things that the kids made up..its literally like sports day for five year olds"

"Sound fun" Kurt said sarcastically, bumping his hip against Blaine's.

"I spent my morning setting this up so you better fucking enjoy it" Blaine joked opening the front door, being greeted by three toddlers crawling on the floor. He lead Kurt to the family room to where all the teenagers and a couple workers were chatting.

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