Monday 11th May

433 17 2

Monday's are mostly the same for every kid. But it seemed even worse for Kurt knowing that it's the first day of not just school but the first of a week of running, hiding and a lot of pain. You would think that he would be used to being pushed into lockers but every time it feels worse than the one ten minutes before. The permanent purple lines on his back proved his point.

As soon as Kurt walked into school and he was already back on the floor.

"WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING FAGGOT" shouted one of the jocks. They all laughed before walking off like nothing had happened.

Within seconds a hand was already out in front of him. He looked up to see Tina and then took the hand. He winced a little as he stood but kept it hidden behind a gentle thankful smile.

"Don't listen to them Kurt, their just a load of low life idiots." Tina reassured.

"I know"


This was now the tenth time Kurt had been pushed into a wall of metal lockers and crashed to the floor. But this time was a little different. Below the stampede of feet he could see someone else in the same position as himself. But he had no hand to help him back up.

Kurt took the hands witch he recognised as Finns. Without says thanks to his brother he barged through the storm of teenagers to the little boy on the floor.

"Don't hurt me please" the boy said curling into himself.

"Hey" Kurt said gently crouching down next to him. "I'm not gonna hurt you"

"Your not?"

"Take my hand". The boy took Kurt's outstretched hand and they both rose back to standing. "Kurt"


"You new?"


"Where you from?"


"Ooooo fancy....I bet you lived in Disney world". Toby smiled at his worlds.

"Nope, actually never been"

" lived in Florida but never went to Disney" Kurt said In a disgusted tone.

"I'm sorry?"

" what classes do you have next"

"English with Mrs hoasten and biology with mr wick" Toby replied.

"I'll take you"
Text from: Blaine xx free for a study evening. The home is getting too noisy for me to concentrate. X

Reply to:Blaine xx
Of corse Iv got glee Club but I'll meet you at mine after X

Text from:Blaine xx
Thanks you're a life saver

"Hey sweetie..Blaine's in your room room waiting"

"Thanks was work?" He asked giving her a quick hug

"The same...go and see Blaine he's been waiting for ages"

"Okay" Kurt let go and ran down the stairs to the basement to find is boyfriend on his desk with paper scattered everywhere. "Do you always have to mess up my desk?"

"Yep" Blaine said turning the chair around to face Kurt "how was school?"

The smile faded from Kurt's lips "it was fine"

"Kurt?" Blaine said in a warning but gentle tone

"I'm gonna get something more comfortable on".Kurt walked to his closet pulling out a pair of jogging bottoms and a white t shirt, ignoring Blaine

"Kurt?" Blaine repeated.

"I don't want to talk about it". Kurt said not looking back at his boyfriend.

"Kurt..we are meant to tell each other everything, that's what people do in relationships. I want to help you"

"Just let me get changed"
When Kurt had come out of the bath room Blaine was no longer on the desk but sat on his bed playing with his fingers. Kurt sat down next to him mirroring his position. After a minute or two Kurt spoke, braking the silence.

"School was...horrible, I-i couldn't walk down one God damn corridor without Being knocked back down back feels like it's broken, I can't do anything in class because someone is always throwing paper balls at me behind the teachers back..I feel like I'm stuck in a circle of pain and I don't know how to get out of it"

Blaine stayed silent for a while before moving closer to Kurt, without a word he pull the back of Kurt's t-shirt up revealing the knife like gashes scarring his back. Their was at least ten big purple lines and a couple small circles witch looked like locker handles. He let one finger move gently down one of the big lines from the top of his boyfriends shoulder to the small of his back. Kurt let out a little hiss has he did it.

"Blaine please say something" Kurt pleased trying to pull his shirt back down but Blaine's strong hand kept his skin visible.

"Is it as bad as it looks?"

"Yeah..kinda". With that Blaine yanked the t-shirt down letting out an angry growl.

"Your Transferring back to dalton"

"NO I AM NOT!" Kurt said angrily turns around to face Blaine.

"Your not safe..I can't just stand here watching you get hurt.. I-it hurts me too. If you really cared about be you would come back"

"I do care about you but I'm not going back to dalton, I'm sorry"

"But why Kurt, but why?"

"Iv told you before, I am not telling you again"

Blaine got up off the bed and started to collect his work and stuff it into his school bag not caring if it rips the paper but just before he left he heard Kurt mumble faintly.

"I love you Blaine". Suddenly he was paralysed, He didn't know why. He had heard him say that hundreds of time but this time it had a hint of pain inside of it. He dropped his bag onto the floor and turn back towards Kurt. He could see the tears forming inside his blue eyes but not noticing his own tears running down his cheeks.

Without a word he moved towards the bed again. It was like a magnet was pulling his back towards Kurt not stopping until he was touching him. He lent in and placed his lips softly on his boyfriends. and cupping his cheek to keep him there but not strong enough to force him to stay. He pulled back a little keeps their lips lightly connect "I love you too"

Hey..sorry had a extreme case of Writers block. Kinda just made this up as I went along. Its probably shit but I tried.

Thanks for reading xxx

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