Thursay 7th May

444 17 5

Kurt was missing Blaine a lot lately, he had spoken to him a couple times on Skype but Blaine had a lot of revision and catch up work to do so he couldn't talk for long. He worried about him a lot so he made friends with a girl, Ellie she was around his age in the same care home as his boyfriend to keep him updated. she was s sweet girl with beautiful golden hair, Kurt new he could rely on her to care for Blaine and make sure he feels at home.
"Blaine, Robert made cake, it's in the kitchen of you want some" Ellie said peeking her head around his bedroom door

"I need to study" Blaine replied not taking his eyes of the paper scattered on his bed.

"You need a brake, you've been studying all of yesterday and today, and I didn't see you at dinner last night or breakfast this morning...Blaine you need to eat!" She said walking into his room and closing the door.

"I'm not hungry"

"Yes you are"

"How would you know". He finally looked up at her.

"I just do... Any Normal human would be hungry by now"

"Well I'm not normal" he stated looking back to the words on the page laying in his lap. "Leave me alone I need to get this done"

" least I tried..your boyfriend won't be too happy about about this"

Blaine look up with a confused frown
"How do you know I have a boyfriend?"

"I met him a couple days ago...he's nice, your lucky"

"I know I am" Blaine smiled at the mention of Kurt.

Ellie left Blaine by himself but he knew This is something she would need to tell Kurt about.
In coming call from Ellie.......

Kurt looked at his phone and he panicked "oh god no" he muttered to himself. He picked up the phone and put it straight to his ear.

"What's up, is Blaine okay, what happened"

"Calm down Kurt nothing has happened" Ellie reassured

"Oh thank god...why are you calling me then"

"Rude..but it Is about Blaine, he wont stop studying, I'm pretty sure he hasn't eaten for a long time, he looked kinda pale too"

Kurt sighed down the phone trying to figure out what to do "I'll be right over...could you give the office a heads up that's i will be coming...ill be their in 15 minutes"

"Will do"

"Thanks Ellie"

"No problem, any time"
Kurt pulled up into the car park and rushed out the car. He didn't need to Sign in this time because he was registered as a frequent visitor. He met Ellie at the stair case leading up to the bedrooms

"Hey Ellie, how are you doing?" Kurt said trying to be polite

"I'm good, you?"

"Not to wheres trouble". They both giggled.

"In his room..ill show you "

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