19th of april part 2

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Blaine was driving home after staying at Kurt's for the evening. As he past the park where him and his boyfriend were later that day. As he past he decided to go for a small stroll in the park before going the next half of the journey to his house,Witch was 45 minutes away on those no traffic days but they were very rare so he proffered to travel home right as the sun is setting, less people are on the road at that time.

He pulled up in a different car park from where Kurt's car was parked (ready to get picked up on his morning run.) he got out of his car, locked it and started walking up the nearest path.

As he walk he could here some snapping of twigs behind him every so often but he didn't think anything of it,"it's  just be a badger or something" he said to himself.

He was nearing the end of his walk when he heard shouting for behind him. "Hey gay boy" he look behind him quickly to see about 5 teen boys who looked around about his age maybe older. "Hey" they Shouted again. Blaine started to walk a little faster to try lose some distance from the boys. "Hey I'm talking to you......... I saw you and your boyfriend.......or toy boy Because that's all gay relationship are" Blaine's face fumed and this comment. If he was in a cartoon he would have smoke exploding out of his head. The next thing he know he had just punched one of them in the face. He froze on the spot as all 5 of the boys stared at him. Blaine heart stopped as one of the biggest boys Swung his arm back and struck Him around the face with his tightly fisted hand. He fell to the floor. The boys continued to beat him until they got bored and walked of laughing and high fiveing each over leaving Blaine laying there hopelessly curled up on the floor.

Blaine just laid there in the middle of an open path to scared to even cry. It felt like forever before he opened his eyes and tried to sit up, his face screwing up with pain and his hands quickly going to his rips to help decrease the pain. He manages to crawl to a tree and sit under it for a while still overwhelmed with pain and fear. But he had to get to a safe place soon he needed help and fast
It's was around 6:30 when Kurt started his morning run remembering to grab
His car keys from this kitchen counter before leaving out the front door.
He normally enjoyed his runs they were a great start to his day but what he saw as he turn the corner into the car park where his car was will forever be indented in his brain.

There he was slouched on the floor against Kurt's car, clothes ripped, blooded everywhere. He had his face in his hands still. Kurt ran faster then we though he could ever run to the other side of the car park.
He fell to the ground in front of his boyfriend "BLAINE" He didn't know what to do. Blaine looked up from his hands his eyes where bloodshot, a dark purple mark around his left eye and 3 or 4 bad cuts on his cheeks and forehead. Kurt just sat there looking at the damage, tears started to push though his eyes and started running down his flushed cheeks. "B-blaine....... what happened......talk to me what happened" he said gently cupping Blaine's face. Blaine just looked up at his boyfriend, he couldn't speak he wanted to but be couldn't he just let out and groan of pain putting his hands back on the rips. After a little while of overwhelming pain running though his body like lightning he looked back up to Kurt.

"I-It hurts Kurt, please make it stop......k-k-Kurt please" Kurt just stared at him still crying trying to figure out what to do.

"I know, I know.....We need to get you checked out"  Blaine just groaned again as Kurt got out his phone and called 911

"Hey can I have a ambulance please me boyfriend his very injured I don't know what happens his not speaking much but he's in a lot of pain and is bleeding a lot.....yeah his awake..........um we are at Ohio state park in the south car park and by a silver car in the corner........okay thanks"Kurt hung up returning to his boyfriends eyes

"Help is on it's why okay"Blaine just nodded a little. Kurt lent in a kissed his forehead so gently his lips hardly touched his skin.

"I'm so proud of you honey"
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