Saturday 9th May

435 16 6

Blaine had woken up before Kurt, his eyes were sore from last night. He blinked a couple times getting used to the light shining through the small window by the bed. He looked up to see Kurt still fast sleep looking as beautiful as ever. But the couple tear streaks that stained his cheeks reminded him of last nights events. The anger started building inside his whole body as he thought back to what Kurt's uncle had said. He desperately wanted to talk with Brian and maybe reason with him but it wasn't his place, or was it.

The movement of the body next to him shook him out of his thoughts. "Morning " he whispered. Kurt groaned   Pulling Blaine closer into his chest. "You've got to get up at some point"

"No" Kurt mumbled, his voice lower than normal.

"Do you want me to get us some breakfast and bring it back down"


"Aren't you hungry?" Blaine asked looking up at his boyfriends tired, sleep
Filled eyes.

"A little bit, but not enough to let you leave". Blaine giggled a little squeezing Kurt Closer to him (if that was even possible).

"Well I'm hungry". Blaine tried to wiggle out of the arms wrapped tightly around his body but failed.

"You can wait a couple minuets you love me"

"I already do"

"I know that -it-you know- just cuddle with me for fuck sake?"

"I'm hungry..can I go get some food and come back please" Blaine pleaded trying again to get out of his boyfriends arms

"No need" a higher voice said coming from the door "Iv got it all sorted" she said walking in with a tray with four slices of toast.

"Thanks didn't have to bring us breakfast" Kurt said sweetly sitting up dragging Blaine with him. "Blaine could of got off his ass and got his own"

" wouldn't let me go" Blaine argued back.

"Okay okay guys I need to tell you something..please shut up a minute" Kristen interrupted. The boys looked at her encouraging her to carry on. "Umm, well I don't know if this is completely correct, but I'm going to tell you anyway...I think my dad..he-I heard him taking on the phone and I think it was talking to one of them people know..cure-"

"Gay people" Kurt said bluntly


"For today?" Blaine questioned

"I think so....umm so I-ill let you eat..sorry again" with that she left closing the door behind her.

"Why don't you look worried?" Blaine said looking at Kurt's straight face.

"Why should I be..I know that some supid little prayer isn't gonna cure me of being gay..I mean look at me I'm the gayest of all gays"

"But what if it does work-"

"I won't work-"

"But what if it does, what's if it don't love me anymore"

"It's more likely to work for you..I mean your the Alfa gay, even Rachel wanted to make out with you..well she front of my face" Kurt cringed at the memory.

"I was drunk"

"You thought you were bi"

Blaine laughed a little. "Okay shut up"

"It's not going to work...I promise..for both of us" Kurt looked into Blaine's eyes "nothing can stop me from loving you..just remember that okay?"

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