Chapter 28

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Author's Note:

Sorry! I've just been so tired from starting school and stuff and my trip from Calgary at the end of summer! But I will be back on a normal writing schedule soon! Been getting loads of inspiration now!


Chapter 28 (Girl V.S. Boy)

"The competition is in two weeks starting Monday. We need to get this stuff ready. I really want this to work. We have full approval by the teachers, let's take advantage of that," I said to the "Girl Versus Boy Competition Committee".

We all sat in one big circle on the gym floor after school; Me, Brandon, Rachel, Janice, Jacob, and Matthew. I had a clipboard and pencil lying in my lap for ideas, as did Brandon.

"So, let's start off by figuring out the plan for the days and the games to go on. Also, team stuff. Like, let's start off easy. What colours should we have for the teams?" I asked.

"Simple; blue for boys and red for girls," Janice stated. "We'll just ask them to wear any red or blue shirt and running shoes."

I nodded, as I wrote down the information for the girls and Brandon did so for the boys on his clipboard. "Okay, so Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday is all day competition. Monday we also have to have the kick off and I say Friday, we have an after party for the ending of the events," I said, grinning.

"After party like at the school or after school at night?" Jacob asked, raising his hand to speak.

"Night," I said, raising an eyebrow. I totally knew how Jacob would react.

"Alright! Let's make it at my place!" Jacob shouted with a fist in the air, as we all laughed and wrote down a mini schedule.

"Okay, let's go over the rules so we can get them out of the way," I said. "Okay, um, you must wear red or something that at least looks close to red."

"How about sneakers? The events will probably be very physical. You must wear them to participate?" Matthew suggested.

I nodded. "Yeah, also participation in events is mandatory unless rules have been broken."

Rachel raised her hand, surprising me for a minute. I thought she'd be a bit shy to speak here. "How about some trivia competitions? A lot of points can be earned with that and so people don't have to wear sneakers on a certain day."

I raised my eyebrows. "That's actually a very good idea. Thanks, Rachel."

"How about doing trivia competitions in the morning all week and then the physical events in the afternoon? And then to end things off, a scavenger hunt at the end of the week to earn major points for the last day?" Brandon said, nodding.

I nodded. "Yeah, I agree. So, trivia competitions in the morning and then sports in the afternoon? Except for Friday, where we do a scavenger hunt and then a sports event?"

The whole group nodded and Brandon and I wrote down some notes. Jacob spoke up. "We need to figure out where to do these events. Are we all going to compete with each other or separate by grades?"

"I think we need to separate our grades. There would probably be a lot of injuries if we played against the niners. Besides, then everyone would have a chance to play as there are less people," Matthew stated.

"Okay, makes sense as our school goes from grade nine to grade twelve. That is four grades. Our school is big, we have four gyms. We can place the ninth graders in the north gym, tenth graders in the west gym, eleventh graders in the south gym, and us in the main gym, which is the east gym," Janice said, grinning.

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