Chapter 1

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WOO HOO NEW STORY! This chapter took me like a week or something to finish since I also had to update The Mistaken Girl and How Could I Love You and yeahhh... But here is the first chapter of my new story!! Hope you like it!

OH and picture at the side is of the uniforms LOL. The girl's uniform is the one with the TIE, not the bow LOL.


Chapter 1 (Girl V.S. Boy)

“Bianca, over here!”

I watched as the ball whizzed past me and to the awaiting feet of my teammate, Bianca. I ran down the field, towards the net. We were so going to win this game for sure! “Bianca, pass it!” I yelled.

Bianca looked up and passed it to me. I dodged the other team, whose members were intimidating and big. The goalie looked like she was ready but could pass out any time soon. I couldn’t blame her; our team was really good.

I gave out a little smirk of victory and kicked the ball. It flew past the goalie and into the upper right hand corner of the net. “Yes!” I screamed, as my teammates came over to hug me.

Bianca grinned, slapping me on the back. “Excellent game, Elle! I swear, David Beckham would have been jealous!”

I chuckled. “You guys did really well! How about a group hug?” I suggested.

The group giggled as we all did a cheesy group hug. It was our last game of the season and our most important one.

We’ve always had a rivalry with the Remington Rebels. We were always trying to one up the other since our schools were so similar; great extra curricular programs and next to best academics.

Despite the hard core and serious games, my soccer team and I were like family. I would even call them my best friends.

When I got home from our end of the season party, I found my dad sitting on the couch, nervously wringing his hands. His head shot up to look at me and a small smile grew on his face. “Hey honey,” he said, rather quietly.

I frowned. Usually whenever I walked through the door he would do a great big “hi” and hug. This greeting was odd. “Er, hey dad, what’s up? You look a big… Weird,” I said, sitting down on the couch next to him.

Dad sighed, frowning at nothing in particular. My dad was a fairly young dad. He was 38. He was only 21 years older than me and 15 years older than my older sister, Emily. He had both of us young, especially my sister. After I was born, my mom left, deciding that she wasn’t ready for kids. I have never seen her, besides a few pictures. My sister Emily was currently in college. She hardly came home to visit but does call once in awhile.

“Um, honey… I kind of have some news to tell you… And I don’t think you are going to like it,” he said quietly, looking at the ground.

I sighed. My dad was an optimist and if he was upset, the situation certainly wasn’t good. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Well, Portwood High is a great school but I have always dreamed of getting into Queensland High,” he said, sighing.

I chuckled. “Dad, you don’t need to worry about that. Your high school days are done.”

“But yours isn’t…” he said, looking at me seriously.

I tried to get what he was insinuating but I couldn’t. My face fell. “Just tell me,” I said.

“You are switching over to Queensland High,” my dad said quickly.

My mouth fell wide open. “Queensland High? Dad, I can’t!” I said, panicking.

Girl V.S. BoyWhere stories live. Discover now