Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 (Girl V.S. Boy)

Fortunately, I only had Brandon in chemistry so far and now it was lunch. I also had French with Janice and we became friends.

I walked to the gym, determined to inquire about the soccer issue. I walked into the big gym, my black flats barely making a noise on the floor. I saw Coach Reynolds at the end of the court, his back turned towards me. At least, I’m sure that is him.

I cleared my throat, making him turn around. “Oh, hello. I didn’t notice you there,” he said, giving me an apologetic smile.

I laughed. He seemed easy going, unlike the other teachers here. “Hello Coach Reynolds, I’m Elle Perry and I’m here asking about the soccer team,” I said, stepping forward.

I gulped as his expression changed to shock, his eyebrows rose. “Seriously?” he asked.

I nodded slowly. “Um, yes. I want to join it, coach,” I said, praying he would allow it.

He let out a chuckle. “Wow, this is a first. No girls have signed up for soccer in years. We don’t even have a girl’s soccer team.”

I frowned, fiddling with the hem of my skirt as a nervous habit. “Well, you see, that’s the problem… I would really like to join soccer. I literally live for it. I’m new here, as you can tell, and what would make me feel really welcome here is joining a team, specifically soccer,” I said, trying to sound convincing.

Coach frowned, thinking hard. “Well, we have no girl’s team. In fact, all the sports teams we have are boys.”

I sighed. “I doubt it but… Um… Is there any chance that I would be able to be on the boy’s team?” I asked, biting my lip.

Coach looked like he was going to faint anytime soon from shock. He stared at me like I just grew another head. “You know, you are the first girl to ask me that. And I’ve been teaching here for many years.”

I sighed, nodding. “I understand why but if you could consider it, I would appreciate it very much.”

Coach sighed. “Well, Principal Newman did tell me you asked her about the soccer team earlier so I did a little research on your former school’s team.”

My face brightened. “And?”

Coach gave me a smile, making me relax. “You are an extraordinary player. You look like you could be a great asset to the team. And I don’t think there are rules against a girl playing on a boy’s team. However, I’m just worried that you’ll get hurt.”

My face fell. “What?” I asked.

Coach gave me a sad smile. “These are high school boys, Elle. You may play as well as them but I just can’t stand seeing you get hurt if we took the chance.”

I sighed. This was definitely not my day! “Coach, I can assure you that I will work as hard as your team, and if you want, I’ll try and do better. I can take pain and I am not afraid of playing against or with boys. I just really want to play soccer,” I said, shaking my head in dismay.

Coach gave me a little smile, crossing his arms. “You know what? I like your attitude. Come here and I’ll give you your uniform,” he said, motioning for me to follow him.

I almost squealed in delight but remembered that this was a strict school so I calmed myself down and followed Coach. He threw me a navy blue t-shirt with “Queensland Cougars” on the front and the number 2 on the back. “Just wear your gym shorts for practice,” he said.

Girl V.S. BoyWhere stories live. Discover now