Chapter 27

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Author's Note:

YAY! Second update in the same day!!! This chapter was kind of fun to write!


Chapter 27 (Girl V.S. Boy)

The next day, I went to school, hoping to find Brandon at his locker. He was. "Hey," I said, as I approached him warily.

Brandon looked over at me quickly, giving me a small smile. "Hey, are you feeling better?" he asked, looking down at my wrist, which was still bandaged.

"It doesn't hurt as much as before, at least. I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I swear, I didn't invite Reed over. He came over completely on his own. It was a definite surprise," I said, frowning that I made things awkward.

Brandon shrugged. "He's your boyfriend, he can come over as much as he wants to surprise you."

"Still... It was sort of awkward," I said, sighing.

Brandon chuckled, shutting his locker door shut. "Ella, if you think it's awkward because you think I'm jealous, I'm not, okay? I'm happy for you and Reed. I like Rachel Morelli now."

I shook my head, swallowing hard. "I didn't think about it that way. I didn't think you would be jealous. I was just saying."

Brandon put a hand on my shoulder gently, looking me straight in the eyes. "Okay, just stop and don't worry about it. Look, why don't we do what we talked about yesterday and talk to the coach and the Principal about having a girls' sports team?"

I sighed. "I guess, okay," I said, shrugging, as Brandon moved me along to the office.

"Okay, we have all gathered here because Miss Perry and Mister James have something to say in regards to the athletic department. I hope you don't mind, Mr. Reynolds," Principal Newman said, giving a warm smile to coach as he sat down in a chair in the office next to me and Brandon.

Coach shook his head. "No, not a problem at all. What's the situation?" he asked, giving us a grin.

"Well, Brandon and I have been talking and we find it absurd that it is unusual for a girl to be the only girl on a boy's sports team, or the only girl to be on any sports team at all. What do you think about that?" I asked coach, hoping his response would be positive.

Coach sighed, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "I guess that is sort of absurd. However, I have watched a lot of the girls in gym class and not of them seem to have any interest in participation in sports. High school athletic teams are serious and while I can see a lot of them having fun in gym class, I can't see them taking a sports team serious."

"You are telling me that none of the girls here are going to take a girls' sports team seriously? Not one sport? Soccer, volleyball, basketball, baseball? Nothing?" I asked, dumbfounded.

Principal Newman cleared her throat, cutting in. "Elle, years ago, we asked if any girls wanted to continue doing sports. At that time, we did have a girls' sports team for nearly all the sports Queensland High has to offer but none of them were willing to commit as seriously as the boys did. It's not a sexist thing, it's just that statistically, we found that girls at our school did not take it seriously, which you must do in order to play on a team."

"That was just one year though, why did you stop trying?" I asked, frowning.

Principal Newman gave me a sad smile. "We kept trying but none of them were willing to play. When we asked why, the majority of them said it would cause an uproar because our school is also not just known for its academic department but also for our outstanding boys' teams in the athletic department. The girls became intimidated by the boys. They didn't want to be compared to them and everyone gave off the impression that boys were better than girls."

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